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Sunday, November 19, 2017

More Issues At Parkside High School

Joe, my son goes to Parkside High School and he said a student was tased by the Salisbury Police Department on campus. Apparently the Salisbury Fire Department was there to try and get the taser out.

We are awaiting a press release on this matter as we have heard so many different versions on this matter. One stated a hand gun was involved.


  1. He must have been a threat to students or the police...Why are students like this allowed in the school system ? Safety first !

  2. The last time I checked the schools in Wicomico County are county property and fall under the jurisdiction of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. Why is the Salisbury Police Department on county property anyway? Where is the statement from the Sheriff's Office.

    Parkside High School is clearly not in the city of Salisbury and the Salisbury Police Department doesn't have jurisdiction in the County!

  3. God, I HATE it when that happens!!

  4. The student had drugs on him, Wicomico County Deputy not Salisbury Police. Student was tased on the bus ramp when class was in session. No gun involved.

  5. Thugs mad they ain't getting there drugs anymore.

  6. Barbs have to be removed by Fire Dept. if I remember correctly. What do you expect from this place

  7. Can we say drugs and the student ran? Smoking pot in the bathroom.

    1. Exactly...he was brave enough to smoke it knowing how strong the smell is. I'm sorry but some kids just don't care.

  8. WOW that must have hurt a little!! Good for them, thugs,thieves,delinquents, I praise the law enforcement, wish they would send them to bootcamp!! I hear expulsion in these schools are not an option? Let's take a close look at Parkside chain of command as,well,seems there's a few broken links!!!

  9. Taze the bullies maybe they will stop.

  10. Excellent job Deputy! Please, please, keep up the good work!

  11. And the score is,deputy 1, young punk 0...

  12. The deputy did a good job on this. The kids there are getting very brazen. They have been allowed to do whatever they want the past few years and now all hell is breaking loose. I don't believe this is the end of it.

  13. Great job Deputy. Glad it wasn't SPD anyway.

    As far as the barbs from the tazer, paramedics don't get the training to remove them. It's not an emergency anyway. Let the police take them out if they deploy the tazer.

  14. Kids walking through the hall smelling pungent of marijuana is nothing new in none of the local high schools and middle schools. Ask your kids.

  15. 12:41 you are correct County buildings and property is the jurisdiction of the Sheriffs Office with backup from the State Police. Also all State buildings, State property and buildings that have State offices in them are the jurisdiction of the State Police only. City Police have no jurisdiction in either situation unless requested by these jurisdictions and used then as perimeter security and minor duties.

  16. https://www.maptechnica.com/city-map/Salisbury/MD/2469925
    I sure there is a reason for the craziness of Salisbury City limits

  17. SPD are sworn officers and have arrest powers that extend beyond the city limits.


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