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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Moore, Moore, Moore, Part II


  1. Biden just missed his mommy!
    Nothing to see here, keep your eyes on the podium!!

  2. Looking like Moore's accuser is full of crap. Pretty much just got caught. The infamous year book signature looks to be lifted off of her 1990's divorce decree which Moore signed. The DA is on the legal document after his signature. It is the initials on the stamp of his assistant. Anytime Allred or her daughter Bloom is involved you can just about guarantee it's a lie.

  3. And feminists are quiet.

  4. How sad for that woman

  5. the look on her face makes me want to cry.

  6. Biden is a pervert and is smug, because he has gotten away with it in public scores of times. He needs to be purged so that his victims self-esteem can be redeemed.

  7. GOP usually go for the same sex senate pages.

    1. No your thinking about DemocRATS going for black asian hawian midget transgendera with one leg Snowflake.

  8. biden is a creep just like the rest of the dimocraps

  9. Everyone in Congress knows Biden is a creep.
    The WOMEN don't like to be around him at all since he LOVES to feel the breasts of women in the manner shown in that picture.
    Look at her face.
    Wouldn't like to just see her grab that wrist and make him flip over on the stage??
    biden didn't even care he was being photographed. He probably took that picture and showed it to his buddies, telling them how soft and tender that woman's breast was and how he thinks she really liked it.
    Perv and creep.
    She must be not married, unless it is to a sissy. Any husband I know would be waiting for him somewhere.
    Did I mention perv? Creep? Degenerate?
    How about sexual assault by a perv?

  10. joe needs to keep his hands in his pocket. thanks sjd

  11. Why is this creep still standing? Seriously what the hell is wrong with people!?!

  12. Listen, it is not just Biden, or one or two others.
    It is organized mafia-style freemasonry with all the blackmail bells and whistles.
    To get in (at the high levels) one must commit crimes and perform various sex acts on camera.
    Then, the individual can be controlled easily.

    Most of the politicians are perverts.
    They had to become perverts in order to be allowed to "win" the elections.
    They are all being controlled by the "intelligence agencies".

    That is the key to understanding how Washington DC and Hollwood operates.
    Learn the truth.

  13. I have never seen that picture before. Lets have the MSM have crazy uncle Joe explain that one.


  14. Pervy Paw Biden thinks he wants to be Groper-In-Chief. He'll be 78 in 2020, if he's still around.

    Go away, Joe.

  15. Biden is an embarrassment, also an embarrassment to Delaware.


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