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Saturday, November 04, 2017

Minnesota High School Requires English Course Aimed at Destroying 'White Privilege'

Edina High School in Edina, Minnesota, has come under fire this week over a new mandatory english course that aims to eradicate “white privilege.”

Katherine Kersten, a senior policy fellow for the Center of the American Experiment,discovered that the public Edina High School adopted an english course in 2013 that focuses on the the topics of colonization, immigration, and social constructions of race, class, and gender.

According to Kersten, the course “constitutes an abuse of parents’ trust, taxpayers’ money and — most importantly — vulnerable children,” she said. “Edina citizens should hold district leaders accountable for substituting political indoctrination for a real education.”

Kerstein and the Minnesota-based Center for the American Experiment began looking into the teaching practices of Edina High School after the school faced a backlash following the 2016 presidential election. According to parents, 80 staff members co-signed a statement that condemned President Trump and expressed support for the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton.

“Many of you [students] have made clear … that right now, you don’t feel physically safe,” the statement read. “Know that we will do all that we can … to fight for you,” and that “we will teach rebellion against a broken world.”



  1. It's a blue state. What more can be said?

  2. a: English should be capitalized in any writing, as anyone who took an English course (i.e., the writer of this piece.)

    b: English should be taught in English classes. What's described here is more appropriated for social studies or sociology classes.

    c: What's wrong with these people?

  3. You are called privileged if your parents stayed together were taught to respect others and worked hard to get good grades and then attend a college and go on to get a good job get married and repeat the cycle. It's not privilege it's a choice !

  4. Appropriate, not appropriated. Sorry.

  5. Hahahahaha. Silly liberals. Failure and lies the only 2 things your good at.

  6. Do not lump all teachers into this insanity. At recent, almost 40% pf teachers reported they were conservative leaning. I am one- I quit the NEA, MSEA, and WCEA propoganda machines. These idiot groups' support is dwindling. Don't believe me? Look it up!


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