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Monday, November 20, 2017

Lyndon Johnson's Terrible Legacy

Recently my wife and I spent a morning at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas. The damage done by this big bully is incalculable. His library reminds us of the start of the blizzard of government expansion during Johnson's presidential term, which lasted from the Kennedy assassination in October 1963 to his decision not to run for a full second term in 1968, which usually is attributed to his failure to end the war in Vietnam.

Johnson was an admirer of FDR and was determined to revive and complete what he believed should have been integral parts to FDR's New Deal. Johnson called his program The Great Society.

As if ignorance of the consequences of this socialist expansion of domestic control by government was not enough, LBJ expanded the war in Vietnam, promising America both Guns and Butter. Even today we live with this expansion of government domestic programs and seemingly never-ending wars as the modern Welfare/Warfare state.
The Johnson Treatment

I called Johnson a big bully in the paragraph above. I believe my assessment is justified by what actually is celebrated at his presidential library. The displays proudly explain and document "the Johnson touch" in print, photograph, and actual recorded telephone interviews. Johnson was a big man who towered over most people. He had a habit of getting very close to someone, leaning over at the waist, and forcing his partner in conversation to bend over backwards to avoid an uncomfortable encounter with LBJ's face. There is a large picture of Johnson giving Supreme Court Associate Justice Abe Fortas this "Johnson Treatment", literally face-to-face.Fortas, who was a long time LBJ supporter, appears to be taking the "Treatment" in good humor, but it is easy to see how it would be almost impossible to keep one's dignity with the president of the United States performing this obviously uncomfortable act.



  1. Also many sources have reported how proud he was to display without encouragement to all women just how big a man he really was.

  2. Johnson was a horrible president.

  3. LBJ ruined this country when he signed that Civil Rights Amendment!

  4. Don't forget his infamous comment after the Civil Rights Legislation was passed "I'll have those blacks voting Democratic(he did not use the word blacks-he used the "N" word) for 200 years"

    1. And they have been 4:47, too damn stupid to realize 50+ years of doing so haven't made them any better off!

  5. Evil Lyndon Johnson was responsible for the 1954 Johnson Amendment muzzling the clergy which led the way for removing GOD from gubmint skools and taxpayer-subsidized abortions, among other things.

    1. Well, at least he got that part right. No room for fake news and fake religions.

  6. Johnson created welfare to get the black votes for Democrats. Still going on. Able-bodied people should earn their keep. Provide for yourself and/or your family. Not other taxpayers. Disabled people are different. Families and local churches should take care of them. That is God's answer to dealing with the poor, sick, and afflicted. Not the government. America was made a great Nation because of its strong workforce.


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