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Saturday, November 04, 2017

LA Times Columnist: Huckabee Sanders Looks Like ‘Slightly Chunky Soccer Mom’

A Los Angeles Times columnist penned a column this week that attacked at length the appearance of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist David Horsey wrote Wednesday that "Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the right mouthpiece for a truth-twisting president."

"Sarah Huckabee Sanders does not look like the kind of woman Donald Trump would choose as his chief spokesperson," he opened, unfavorably comparing the press secretary to the "sleek beauties with long legs and stiletto heels to represent his interests and act as his arm candy."

Horsey continued, saying that compared to Ivanka and Melania Trump, "Sanders looks more like a slightly chunky soccer mom who organizes snacks for the kids’ games."

"Rather than the fake eyelashes and formal dresses she puts on for news briefings, Sanders seems as if she’d be more comfortable in sweats and running shoes," the columnist added.

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  1. Without even seeing a pic of the critical newspaper scribe, there must have been a typo in his name. Pretty sure the correct spelling is Horsey'sass.

  2. Can’t blame someone for speaking the truth.

  3. Donald Trump hires people for their skill sets, not looks, sex, race or whatever. Democrats and Rino's just can't understand that concept.

    She's the best one at the job I've witnessed in 15 years.

  4. It sort of diminishes the worth of the Pulitzer Prize.

  5. I hate it when people - especially paid journalists- comment on the appearance of others. Sarah has beautiful eyes, a great smile and superior intellect and is quick witted. Commentary about her weight is childish.
    I get the point he's trying to make, but most journalists comments go through at least one proof read. This was a deliberate, rude smear. And that is pond scum in my opinion.

  6. This hack journalist deserved his prize as much as Obama deserved his "peace prize".

  7. She has got it goin on!


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