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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Joint Investigation Leads to Multiple Drug Arrests

Christopher Hurd, 32 of Harrington


  1. He looks like a good candidate for a neck tattoo.

  2. I absolutely can't understand the continued use of this heroin/fetynal with these kids. Sad times in our streets of America

    1. It's because the stuff is so strong that it's extremely difficult to get off of it. NOBODY WANTS TO BE A DRUG ADDICT!!! that's what people don't seem to get. Allot of people on this blog bash and bash drug addicts but haven't walked in their shoes at all. Drug addicts need HELP!!! Not to be bashed and made to feel worse than they already do. Believe me they already feel like crap. This stuff grabs you and won't let you go for anything. It literally changes your brain chemistry!!! It's like a giant man has a bear hug on a small person and won't let go no matter how many people try to make it. And the giants only weekness is something the small person he's bear hugging can figure out and it takes a lot of effort and time to wear the giant down enough to let go. And once he does let go you still have to work everyday to keep him from grabbing you again. The perfect people on this blog and elsewhere seem to forget what it's like to be human and make mistakes. And when it changes your brain chemistry that makes it 100 times harder to make the good decisions that they are supposed to make. Due to the fact that they just want to feel comfortable in their own skin and the only way they know how to is to repeat what they know best.its a messed up circle . Now even though I say this....IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET CLEAN AND STAY CLEAN!!! BUT for a lot of people it's trial and error for a long time.

  3. I'm sorry these people look suspicious, there is an eeky look druggies have. So if anyone wants to complain that they were targeted yes! Some people you can look at and tell they are so so wrong. A 24 with a 30something creep guy, is a dead giveaway.

  4. 9:47 you ever try the stuff? It's amazing. Just call a Baily's taxi and tell driver what you want. It's only $5 a bag.

  5. not only for a long time 1119am - its trail and error for the rest of their lives.

    That is very hard to grasp to someone who doesn't know/understand.

    1. You are 100% correct. It's a life long battle not to go back.

  6. My daughter wants to be an addict. After heroin took all her teeth, she's now taking methadone for the last 3 years! She HAS to be on something all the time. Not being an addict is not on her agenda.

    A shame, and a waste, but there's nothing anyone can do about it.

  7. Why?? You already know the risks of addiction and death yet you still choose to use. That's why majority of society is so negative, you've made a conscious choice to live that lifestyle

  8. To 11:19 I'm not buying it!! I made a lot of poor choices and when it cane down to this particular one something ALWAYS told me subconsciously no way thats where you have to draw the line. Thank God


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