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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

In Ads, Tobacco Companies Admit They Made Cigarettes More Addictive

The stark messages with black text on an otherwise blank page tell readers that cigarettes kill 1,200 Americans every day. The same messages start to run Monday evening on prime time television.

The ads are more than a decade in the making. They're the result of a 2006 judicial ruling in a lawsuit filed by the federal government that found that cigarette makers deliberately misled the public about the dangers of smoking. And the tobacco companies and anti-smoking advocates fought over every word.

But experts in public health say they may not be all that effective.

"If the intention was for these ads to have some dampening effect on smoking initiation, or just continuing to smoke, I would say it won't work," says Nora Rifon, a professor of consumer psychology at Michigan State University.

The ads are pretty weird.



  1. I would bet that taking raw, properly aged and chopped tobacco would be healthier than the processed, chemical laden products these companies pass off as tobacco today.

  2. Tobacco products are legal , they put on the decorations for sales just like all companies , so what's the problem?
    The government said they misled the public , the government has misled the public for 100 years, go figure.

  3. Independent cards for 400 dollars in crap groceries and pull out cash for cigarettes. I see all the time drives me crazy.

  4. Now why can't we get the same action against food producers that load our food with addictive sugar, that cause more health problems and death than cigarettes ever did?


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