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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

‘I called a trans boy a girl by mistake.’ Teacher Suspended For Praising Student Using Wrong Gender

Only in 2017 would someone have to worry about losing their job after accidentally identifying a transgender student by the wrong gender, despite promptly apologizing and correcting himself. Why? Because the mother complained.

So now 27-year-old Joshua Sutcliffe, who teaches math at a state secondary school in Oxfordshire for the time being, has been issued a summons for “misgendering.”

The whole thing occurred after he said “Good job, girls” when he noticed a group of students working hard. Well apparently one of those “girls” is not actually a “girl,” but a transgender student. When he realized his error, Sutcliffe corrected himself and apologized, but that student told their mother, and she filed a complaint. Now he’s been summoned to a formal disciplinary hearing and is facing “misconduct charges.”



  1. Our whole society has gone to s^&*.
    It is getting utterly ridiculous
    It chose its path. Deal with it. Others shouldn't have to.
    Go to your safe room and cry it out

  2. This is complete BS!! Your gender is determined by your chromosomal DNA. Born XX, you will die XX. Born XY, you will die XY.

    Everything else is lipstick on the pig.

  3. The teach was not wrong at all. She should sue the Hell out of her bosses.

  4. The whole education system in this country needs an overhaul starting with throwing out teachers unions.

  5. 11:34 Well said. Now if people would just read and accept that.

  6. I don't feel sorry for any leftist, socialist, gender bending, anti-white, teachers. Those NEA people deserve what they get. If you have morals, don't be a teacher.

  7. I say, ´Put on your big-girl/boy panties and get over it!'

  8. So they try their best to look like what they want to be but get offended if you call them what they look like. What total b.s. get over yourself!


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