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Monday, November 20, 2017

House wants to cut presidential pensions, citing six-figure speaking fees and massive book deals

The House backed a bill on Monday to reduce the government pension of former presidents and capping how much they can bill taxpayers for office expenses and staff. The measure passed by voice vote.

Former presidents get lucrative book deals and high-paid speaking gigs, so there’s no need for taxpayers to support them to the degree that the federal government has done in the past, according to the argument.
Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., the bill’s sponsor, says the lifestyle of former presidents means taxpayers can pay less. He said that President Bill Clinton earned more than $100 million in speaking fees as well as $15 million from a book deal after leaving office while President George W. Bush received $10 million for a book deal.



  1. It's kind of fitting that Bill Clinton has living quarters in his presidential library. That way he gets to literally live with his lies.

  2. They should cut all salaries, pensions, benefits and perks for all Politians from President, Senate, House of Representatives and all cabinet and appointees including anyone receiving a Federal salary, retirement check and benefits.


  3. 4 years after their term ends at half the presidential salary. Secret Service for ex-president, spouse and minor children for four years. Then zip except for any pensions they earned. They were president, not a king.

  4. Just do it !! Won't believe it till I see it !!


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