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Thursday, November 16, 2017

House of Representatives Passes First Major Tax Reform Since 1986

WASHINGTON, DC: On November 16, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This legislation is the first major reform to the federal tax code since 1986. Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) voted in favor of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and released the following statement in support of its passage:

“I am proud to support the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the House today. It will stimulate our nation’s economy, create jobs, and put more money into the pockets of hardworking Americans. It will be the largest tax cut in American history. As this legislation progresses through the Senate, I will continue to work with the House Ways & Means Committee Chairman, Kevin Brady, to address the state and local tax deductions that are important to Marylanders.”


  1. Sound Great To Me !! Thanks Goes Out To Mr Harris !!

  2. Lets do health care.clowns

  3. No major tax reforms since 30 years ago? What's wrong with these people?

  4. Reach for your wallets folks they are coming for no matter how much lipstick they put on the pig it will cost the working class money.

  5. Under $75K in income? Your taxes will go up. Do a little research before you thank Harris.

    1. 12% to 25%, thanks Washington. No one is on our side.

    2. That's a good thing it's are duty to pay more in taxes. You are obviously a racist because you don't want to pay more in taxes to help minority's making 15k a year.

    3. Everything the DNC and mainstream media said about the tax plan was completely false. Yet people like you continue to lie even thou it's been posted. Fake news isn't working anymore. #DNCRIGGED

  6. Thank you President Trump. Looking forward to the next 7 years.

  7. Wish Maryland would do the same.


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