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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow and So It Goes..


  1. I'm 81 and I remember it all. Good memories,thanks.

  2. Chi Chi's wasn't that bad back in the day.

  3. I am only 67 and I remember them, too!

  4. I still have some of those things and still use them!

  5. Doesn't matter how old we are. I am 40, but I can recall or have known about our former main street staples or the department stores that I piled in the back of the station wagon and drove 30 miles to shop at. Gone, but not forgotten. Thank you for the reminders of seemingly better days. I was born too late, but everything in my house is older than me except for my entertainment electronics, sofa, and bed. Everything else is a beautiful reminder of America of yesterday. Skip Walmart and check out your antique shops for home decor.

  6. Last of the Good Ole Days !!! 15 cent REAL Burgers !!!


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