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Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Having 'white nuclear family' promotes white supremacy, says New York professor, report says

A City University of New York sociology professor reportedly said in a tweetstorm last week that “the white-nuclear family” promotes racism, prompting a backlash on social media.

Jessie Daniels, described as an expert on “the Internet manifestations of racism” on herCUNY page, infuriated social media users after reportedly saying that white families promote racism by default.

The professor began her argument saying she learned that “the white-nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy,” adding that that families “reproducing white children” are “part of the problem” as they facilitate white supremacy in the country, Campus Reform reported.



  1. And the Obama Dems bs continues.

  2. Liberalism is a mental disease.

  3. Then she is a lunatic and should be put on meds.

  4. Honestly, ignore these idiots. Most people realize this is crazy, this guy should be in a mental institution. If you are worried, go look at the county-by-county electoral map from 2016. You will feel so much better!

  5. Comments like that from 'Educated snowflakes' promotes 'Racism'.

    1. Why do we continue to allow our children to be taught by these people?This is not diversity of thought,it's indoctrination.

  6. We can no longer sit by idly while these people spew anti-white racism in hopes that it goes away which it would if the media wasn't promoting it as well.

  7. Promoting the nanny state. It's the only way! These people need medication

  8. If your a majority then you must be racist. (Even though racism is not occurring) Therefore the minority must discriminate against the majority to Make it even. Liberals go by statistical data that is half completed and are emotionally connected to the idea. When you disagree it's a attack on their humanity. They DO NOT believe in INDIVIDUALITY but do believe in HERD thinking.

  9. If you look at it without emotion she has a point there.. Carrying it forward, IF there were black "nuclear" families with 2 parents producing and "raising" black children they would be facilitating black supremacy. Therein lies the problem.

  10. This person has just invented a new meaning for "racism." Typical..

  11. Well, the "white nuclear family" has produced the greatest country on Earth.
    She resents the fact that white people raise their kids to know right from wrong (and AVOID the wrong, or take an ace-whipping for NOT avoiding it), teach them to respect authority (even when they don't want to), do well in school, lying cheating and stealing are definite no-no's (with an accompanying whippin' for any of THOSE violations), that they are responsible for their own well being, dropping out of high school is NOT an viable option in life (quitting anything is not an option), being pregnant at is NOT a badge of honor, going to prison is NOT a proud moment, and violence is not the answer to every problem you have.
    Yep. There would certainly be more black nuclear families if black people were not so firmly committed to killing so many of their kids (FIFTY MILLION SO FAR!), quit having children they can't afford, MARRY the mother of their children, and started acting like they were part of civilization, instead of continually complaining about how bad they have it.
    It's hard to do when your role models are murderers, felons, tax evaders, (so-called) men with 6 kids by 6 different mothers, rappers saying how good it feels to beat up a "bitch", and people who tell them they will never have anything except what white people GIVE them because they are just too stupid or incompetent to ever achieve anything on their own.
    They eat that BS up!!! Makes it easier to blame others for failure and to
    rationalize their position in society. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault.


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