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Monday, November 13, 2017

‘Growth of the swamp’: Massive GOP letdowns help Dems score big

'Republicans are demoralized and dispirited at complete failure to keep promises'

Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli says Democrats there turned out in droves to register their animosity toward President Trump, and Republicans didn’t see the same passion from their voters because of failure after failure from the GOP in Washington.

On Tuesday, Democrat Ralph Northam coasted to an easy nine-point win over Republican Ed Gillespie. Democrats also won the races for lieutenant governor and attorney general, and they are on the brink of a stunning capture of the majority in the House of Delegates, where Republicans had enjoyed a 66-34 margin.

Pundits around the nation are offering endless analyses for the results, but Cuccinelli – the man who led the GOP ticket as the party’s nominee for governor four years ago – says the dominant performance from Democrats really boils down to one party’s base being fired up and the other one discouraged.

“On the Democrat side, it is correct to say that Trump motivated their most left-wing voters,” said Cuccinelli, who noted that exit polls show voters who backed Bernie Sanders in 2016 were far more energized than those who sided with Hillary Clinton.

“If you look at Hillary Clinton’s top 50 precincts in 2016, the voter turnout there only went up about one percent from the last election,” Cuccinelli told WND and Radio America. “If you look at Bernie Sanders’ top 50 precincts, the voter turnout exploded almost 20 percent.”


  1. Free stuff, no work, and no responsibility ALWAYS makes a candidate popular with those who don't work, don't pay taxes, and think they know more than everyone else who DOES have job and pays taxes.
    keep cheering.
    Note: if "republicans" actually got behind Trump and did what Americans elected him to do (in overwhelming numbers), that article would never be written.
    We can begin hanging them right away. They are thumbing their arrogant fake republican noses at 'we, the people".
    Hopefully there's a price to pay for them.
    Keep cheering.

  2. This election was a warning shot to the GOP that if they don't get their act together, they will suffer greater losses in 2018.

    With Gillespie, it was his OWN undoing because he didn't embrace Trump's Agenda until late in the game. There was a deficit of 700K votes that voted for Trump but not GIllespie. Had Gillispe embraced the Trump movement, he would've won last Tuesday. However, considering he's a NeverTrumper, the Virginia constituents didn't file out to vote for him.

    The Democrats shouldn't be shaking their jingle bells because they're getting default victories for lack of any other candidates in the NJ/VA races. The tall tales will be revealed if the House doesn't get through Tax Reform THIS year.

    Bannon is very much in this game along with Sebastian Gorka and they are working with the MAGA Coalition to make sure candidates who embrace the Trump/MAGA Agenda are on board and well taken care of. They are still behind Moore in spite of the WAPO calculated smears that were ginned up because the Judge will ensure an up vote on anything MAGA.

    Use your noodles, poodles. There's more to these races than what meets the eye and you're going to have develop your political skills to understand the variety of dynamics.



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