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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Every Working American Owes $ 1.5 Million

The facts just don’t add up. US wages are falling, trade deficit is at 10 year high, debt is surging so are stocks and the US Government has again managed to publish a number of contradicting employment figures that make no sense whatsoever.


US Consumer Sentiment is the highest in 13 years. At the same time US October Household Employment Survey dropped 484,000 and the Labour Force shrank by 765,000. But due to manipulation of the figures, October payroll increased by 261,000 and the Unemployment Rate declined to 4.0% from 4.2%. The Labour Participation Rate is down to the 1977 level with only 62% of the population employed or looking for work.

How can anyone believe any of these figures which tell us Payroll increased and Unemployment declined at the same time as Employment and Labour force went down substantially. It must all be pure fantasy.



  1. The debt based system will completely fail it is just a matter of when.

  2. McCain, Reid, Pelosi, Ryan and all the others, including the previous 5 presidents are ALL guilty and complicit in our 20 TRILLION (you really cannot grasp how much money that really is) debt.
    They keep telling us how great they are and what wonderful things they've done and how bad Trump is....uh huh..
    I submit they should all be imprisoned (actually, hanging them in public in front of their families is MY first choice --- they BENEFITED from the theft and mismanagement -- let them see the rewards of their efforts).
    If you or I ran our bank account like they ran our finances, we be doing life in prison. THEY made laws that ensured we do serious time for kiting checks, writing bad checks for millions/ billions. Playing shuffle with our money, replacing cash with bonds, stealing and lying. But the laws weren't made for THEM.
    Two Sets of Laws. Your guy is neck deep, too, whether you want to admit it or not.
    Revolution and execution.
    Its the only way to rip these people away from the controls.
    Otherwise, financial collapse, chaos, riots. And THEN we get to the revolution and execution.
    It is the ONLY end result of what they've done to us.
    Cheer while you can.

  3. and as long as I owe them, which will be forever, they will never be broke. hahaa


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