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Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Egyptian Prosecutor: It is the national duty of men to rape women in ripped jeans

When I hear American feminists screech about “rape culture” in our country, I roll my eyes so hard that it gives me a headache. For the longest time, I didn’t believe that it even existed. I thought that “rape culture” was just another one of their made up words; a perceived problem in search of a feminist solution, if you will.

But the more I hear about what is happening to women overseas, the more I realize that rape culture is, in fact, a thing. It is very real and millions of women in the world are experiencing it every day.

Take Egypt, for example, where a prosecutor recently told a panel on national news that it was a man’s duty to rape a woman who is dressed in what he deems to be “revealing” clothing.



  1. The religion of peace.
    Liberals DON'T SAY A WORD!!!
    They absolutely freaked out because Trump SAID --- just said --- the word "p***y".
    Muslims cheer as their leaders ENCOURAGE sexual assaults and we are told they are just like us.
    The sky ain't green you hypocrites.
    Why don't you speak out?
    You know they will kill you for it.
    Stick to bashing Christians preaching love for all and forgiveness. All they do is PRAY FOR YOU.
    keep cheering.

  2. And we are supposed to treat these people as equals? SMH

  3. why would anyone care most of the women want these muslims in our country.......maybe its the only way they can get a date


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