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Sunday, November 05, 2017

Do You Agree?


  1. I wish, unfortunately it will probably never happen...

  2. Absolutely, positively, YES!!

  3. don't rule out "Capital Punishment" . America deserves better than these Dirt Bags.

  4. Absolutely!!! But, I stopped believing in Santa Claus years ago. The fox is watching the gen house and it'll never happen.
    I've never seen our government so corrupt than it's been over the last 10 years. Our democracy is no better than most dictatorships. All the power and money is directed to the top. What scares the swamp creatures so much is that the current POTUS is taking away the punch bowl too early. He can't be bribed like the others.

  5. Yes , just remember we have 60,000,000 armed hunters in this country , they will fill this country with fire and blood if this crap doesn't stop.
    These people shown behind bars are nothing more than walking targets.

  6. Agree, haven't you been listening to us the last 10 years?

  7. Yes, if nothing else to make an example. We have long ago lost the "bite" to our "bark". The despicable shenanigans need to be punished since they do infringe on our constitution. The IRS scandal can't be tolerated and Lois should be in jail, not sitting comfortably at home with a nice government pension. Holder was an embarrassment to this country and held in contempt by congress. Yet he is free to make millions undermining our founding fathers with his nonsense. And Hillary and Obama...nuff said.

  8. Won't happen. The corrupt Senate will never let it happen.

  9. Maybe lock them up long enough to have a trial. Then line them up and shoot them all.

  10. Justice should prevail. Honest justice.

  11. 7:40 LOL riiiiigghttttt.

  12. Yes, and it would not hurt my feelings for at least some of them to face a firing squad.

  13. Hell yeah....but it will never happen!!!!!

  14. Of course: pictured are thugs, felons, liars, cheats

  15. No justice for democrats, republicans see to that!

  16. Include canceling all their tax payer benefits and make them repay what they have received illegally as criminals.

  17. We all know this should happen, the swamp must be drained for this country to get back on track. These people have shelved fortunes off of others being us the tax payers and voters. It would set an example for anyone involved in politics in the future, make the media more honest, and get this country back to not tearing down history and our statues. Our country needs to learn from the real history that did happen and go forward.

  18. ALL of them !!! At Last ..........Long Overdue !!!

  19. Add Pelosi and Shumer and Comey !!!


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