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Sunday, November 05, 2017

Delaware Could Let Students Decide Race, Gender Without Parental Consent

White boys could soon self-identify as black girls in Delaware.

The state Department of Education is considering sweeping regulations regarding discrimination that would allow children to determine their gender and their race.

The proposed “Regulation 225 Prohibition of Discrimination” could set the stage for a gender-bending, cultural appropriation free-for-all in the nation’s first state.

“All students enrolled in a Delaware public school may self-identify gender or race,” the proposed regulation states.

The state educators use a term called “Protected Characteristics” to describe race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity and other characteristics protected by state or federal law.

And the proposed regulation should scare the living daylights out of every mom and dad in the state. It clearly states school leaders would not necessarily be required to notify parents if Billy suddenly decides to identify as Sally.



  1. Whoa, there! Letting 5 year olds decide? That's just stupid.

  2. It's true Satan is alive and in possession of way to many idiots. Pray and pray hard it is our only hope of saving this country now

  3. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

  4. Perfect!! So the cisgendered white males could then identify as a fill in the blank race female and land one of those dnc jobs. Hide their true and biological self as they infiltrate the madness attacking the real world while gaining inside information on how to create challenges for the very group employing them. Wait, what? I like bacon. Look over there!!

  5. It's only going to get worse from here. Marxist/Leninist radicals have taken over education and are instilling this moral inversion in students. Watch the videos from the 80's of Yuri Bezmenov, KGB defector. This is the culmination of an infiltration that began 50 years ago.

  6. Congress needs to invest in insane asylums for the country.

  7. As these transgenders age they will realize that the evil in this world are the ones that led and promoted this behavior. They are in for a life of suffering.

    1. Will they, or over the next decade does it simply become the norm, like smartphones for them. Don't mistake the ask, I hope you're right...

  8. Always knew there was another reason we call Delaware the FIRST STATE.

    STUPIDITY comes to mind, or maybe IGNORANCE, could be ASSININE, ah...JUVENILLE (although some may not "git" that one), somewhere I know SNOWFLAKE can be utilized.


  9. Bad decision if made...SICK on many levels.

  10. Idiotic,moronic,imbecilic, cretinous, stupid,bone headed,and just plain wrong.

  11. And they call themselves "educators"? God help us!


  12. Colossally stupid concept!

    OTOH, think how many second tier jocks can now win spots on the girls BB, softball and soccer teams, and subsequent college scholarships. Changing race will be a wild card to play if needed.

    Yeesh; it's called Lower, Slower for very good reasons!

    1. Lol, as if it's the southern part of the state that is in support of this madness. The majority of Sussex county is a hell of a lot better place to be than Salisbury, that's for sure.

  13. Come on people, and parents...They won't do it if you parents get out there and stop it...This is utterly inane, and dangerous for the children, so get out there and demand some sense from these very stupid, misguided adults.


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