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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Court-Ordered Deportations Massively Increase As Trump Ends Obama Admin Delay Tactics

Oh boy, liberals are sure to get their panties in a knot now.

President Donald Trump isn’t allowed for the delay tactics of the previous administration to prevent him from making America great again by ousting a load of people who have been breaking the law since day one. While immigration lawyers had a series of tools in their arsenal to delay court-ordered deportations under Obama, Trump isn’t playing those games, and is demanding courts issue decisions faster regarding the legal ability of an immigrant to stay in the United States.

During Obama’s 8 years as President, immigration lawyers often left their client’s case in a sort of legal limbo, which made it impossible for the court to issue a decision in their case. Reports indicate that 200,000 deportation cases were closed by use of administrative closure under Obama.

“Rather than getting [a decision on removal proceedings] … Instead it created this culture of seeking continuance to try to build up a request for prosecutorial discretion for administrative closure, and so it had a ripple effect,” said an official from the Justice Department.


1 comment:

  1. Finally someone that will adhere to the law. Now try to get in the legal way. You will be welcomed then.


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