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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Court Documents: Roy Moore Accuser Has ‘Violent Nature,’ History of Criminal Fraud Against Own Family

Court documents related to Tina Johnson, an Alabama woman who claims that Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore groped her in his office decades ago, may raise questions about Johnson’s motives in making the accusation.

The documents, reviewed by Breitbart News, show that Moore represented Johnson’s mother in a nasty custody case for Johnson’s then 12-year-old son, Daniel Sitz. In the case, Johnson was repeatedly painted by Moore’s client as an unfit, absent, and unstable mother and was accused of taking her son from his elementary school against his will. Johnson’s mother was ultimately awarded custody in the case.

One affidavit signed by Johnson’s mother while she was represented by Moore accused Johnson of having a “violent nature” and noted that she “has been treated by a psychiatrist when she was approximately 15 years of age.” Johnson was a teenage mother.

Separate criminal documents show that, as late as 2010, Johnson was arrested and pled guilty to felony fraud charges related to checks belonging to a family member. She also entered a court drug program.

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  1. Who paid her to say such bad things - the shadow govt a few blocks from the White House.

  2. All these so-called, alleged victims of Moore are easy to profile. Tina Johnson for example is 51 years old and has a net worth of less than $49,000. Her salary is around $35,000-45,000 a year and she does not own her own home as per documents on file in Alabama. The same is pretty much across the board with the other 'accusers.' Her story is about as flimsy as Beverly Young Nelson, who also has a dire financial situation. Hence, money seems the motivating factor behind their accusations.

    Money makes people do crazy things even if it ends up backfiring on the perpetrators. One of the many reasons why Moore continues to hold the lead in the Alabama race. Today he polled over 5% from Doug Jones. Remember the public polls are heavily weighed and skewed towards Democrats so that's saying a lot.


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