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Monday, November 13, 2017

Connecticut Elects Two 20-Year-Old Black Republicans Into Office

They are believed to be the youngest black Republicans to ever win political office in deep blue Connecticut.

This is a story that you can feel good about if you are part of the Republican Party.

Ed Ford Jr and Tyrell Brown served as President and Vice-President during their senior year in high school and have been friends since middle school. Their convictions of republican principles ring deep which is why they both ran and won their political races in the liberal state of Connecticut.

The Republican Party has a rich heritage when it came to helping to free the slaves from decades of Democrat-led plantations and auction blocks. Liberals have worked over the years to hide their sinful past by rewriting history and changing the narrative through our educational system which includes television shows and movies.


  1. It's reality. Embrace it and make the best of it, or even make it the best.

    1. Well, hopefully they’ll act like they have good sense because most so far don’t and it’s getting worse. Public schools in Salisbury are awful. Little hoodlams are acting like their parents and getting away with it. No wonder people work two or three jobs to send their children to private school. It’s the only way white kids will get a decent education.

  2. The two black Republicans are fine young gentlemen who care about the US and their own communities. Knowing the true Democrat history, it's a wonder why any black person would support that party who sought to keep them on plantations and bring them to "heel" (to quote Hillary Clinton circa 1997). The fact that the Republican party after Reconstruction comprise of most of the black population should be a good indication the Democrat created Klan was bent on keeping them 'in their place.' Johnson was only forced into Civil Rights for International Political reasons because the Cold War was irrelevant if the US was depriving it's own citizens of rights Johnson was accusing the Russians and other communist regimes. It was hypocritical. To save face only, Johnson signed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 as an act to stop the hypocrisy. If you actually study the Civil Rights Law, it wasn't enacted until Richard M. Nixon (R) and he did it using the Supreme Court via court order instead of actually rolling it out through executive orders.

    Like I said, any black person knowing the true Democrat history, would be utterly foolish to promote a party that's historically been so vigilant to keep them 'down.'

    1. Thanks for the history lesson. Makes me want to be a Democrat

  3. The fact these two men won in Liberal Connecticut is an affirmation for the Trump Era. Glad to see it. Hope there's more to come. Maybe Salisbury should consider getting a black Republican Mayor who embraces MAGA. Imagine the wonderful, positive changes would happen if they did this!

    1. If he would be like Ben Carson, then yes. If not, then Salisbury will continue to deteriorate.

    2. If he would be like Ben Carson, then yes. If not, then Salisbury will continue to deteriorate.

  4. I just hope it's not the color of their skin, but the content of their character.


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