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Sunday, November 05, 2017

Congressman Says Jeff Sessions Has Recused Himself on Uranium One Deal

Attorney General Jeff Sessions told a small group of lawmakers in late September he was recused from appointing a special counsel to look into potential corruption surrounding the Uranium One deal and Fusion GPS’s work on the Trump dossier, according to one of the lawmakers present.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Breitbart News on Wednesday that he and other House Judiciary Committee Republicans had met with Sessions at the Justice Department on September 28 in advance of an upcoming committee hearing with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein later this month.

Gaetz said that when he asked Sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate the 2010 Uranium One deal and Fusion GPS, the attorney general stood up, said he could not discuss the matter because he had recused himself, and walked out of the room, leaving them with a group of Rosenstein staffers “who showed no interest.”

“He said that anything that had to do with 2016 election, or Russia, or the candidates in the 2016 election, fell under the scope of his recusal, and he left the room,” Gaetz said.

Other House members present at the meeting were Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and Louis Gohmert (R-TX).

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said others in the room do not remember Sessions saying anything like that and that the subject was “discussed.” She would not comment on whether Sessions has recused himself.



  1. Fake news? I think Sessions maybe hiding something. Is that possible?

  2. What a p-ssy. Trump would not be happy with that decision. He likes Fighters. He doesn't like people that shy way from draining the swamp. Cut this guy loose

  3. 7:49 I wish he would.

  4. An ex-congressman will never bring charges against another fellow congress person, or ex-congress person. Hence, Sessions will never investigate Hillary, or Obama. They protect their own. All congress people are corrupt. Trump was naive to put any former senators from the swamp in his cabinet.


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