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Saturday, November 25, 2017

Colleges Care About Diversity, Except When They Don’t

A common feature of our time is the extent to which many in our nation have become preoccupied with diversity. But true diversity obsession, almost a mania, is found at our institutions of higher learning.

Rather than have a knee-jerk response for or against diversity, I think we should ask just what is diversity and whether it’s a good thing. How do we tell whether a college, a department, or another unit within a college is diverse or not? What exemptions from diversity are permitted?

Seeing as college presidents and provosts are the main diversity pushers, we might start with their vision of diversity. Ask your average college president or provost whether he even bothers promoting political diversity among faculty. I’ll guarantee that if he is honest—and even bothers to answer the question—he will say no.

According to a recent study, professors who are registered Democrats outnumber their Republican counterparts by a 12-1 ratio. In some departments, such as history, Democratic professors outnumber their Republican counterparts by a 33-1 ratio.



  1. The picture at the top of the article is 100% correct. We should demand diversity in sports teams. Accuse the colleges and pro teams of racism and attack them until they choke on their own crap.

  2. Who cares!! Look at what university Alabama basketball team did Saturday. You can take the kids out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the kids!! Professional football and basketball will put themselves out of business with the thug mentality they all have,

  3. Diversity is a code word for let's discriminate against White people.


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