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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Biden Reportedly "Shifts In Favor" Of 2020 Presidential Bid

Earlier this week, former Vice President Joe Biden admitted that his "biggest regret in life" was not currently occupying the White House...the statement left us wondering whether he also regrets growing old, balding and not owning 75 Lambo's...perhaps we'll never know for sure.

But, of all of Joe's "regrets" in life, perhaps his missed opportunity at occupying the Oval Office is one that he may seek to rectify in the near future. As Politico reports, after months/years of waffling on the topic, Joe Biden has apparently "shifted in favor" of a new Presidential bid in 2020.

Joe Biden thinks it’s critical that Donald Trump not get a second term — and though it’s early, he doesn’t yet see anyone else who could stop that from happening.

So, he's been telling people privately, that might mean he’ll just have to run himself.

After beginning the year both teasing a 2020 bid and ruling one out — sometimes on the same day — Biden in recent months has shifted unmistakably in favor of running, say multiple people who’ve been in touch with the former vice president and his team.

For the first time in what would be the sixth presidential campaign that he’s either seriously flirted with or launched, Biden sees an argument for a candidacy for which he is the only answer: An elder statesman who can help repair the damage and divisions in the country and around the world, unite the competing wings of the Democratic Party, and appeal to traditional Democratic voters who fled last year for Trump.



  1. we'd like to get through this last one before beginning another...PLEASE!

  2. Let it go joe!! You've ripped the government off long enough

  3. Uncle Joe has no idea what life is like for average working people because he has never held a job in his entire life. For the last 40+ years he has received a government check for doing not much of anything.

  4. NO,NO,NO...NOT Uncle Joey.

  5. Say yourself some embarrassment son and stay home practicing with the shotgun.

  6. Run, Joe, Run! No better patsy to get smacked by Trump for a second term!

  7. 12:41....nice.....

    He's what? in 2020? 300 years old??

    He has made his life work sucking at the teat of the public trough and enriching himself with inside info and bribes and kickbacks and back door payoffs.
    He has NO CLUE how the average working man lives or any struggle they have....
    He's big on himself. You and I? Serfs who NEED his sage wisdom and will likely perish without it.

  8. I think it's time we have an age maximum to run for president.


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