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Saturday, November 04, 2017

Assateague left out of fee increases at national parks

Assateague Island National Seashore is not among the parks exploring substantial entrance fee increases, announced early last week by the National Park Service, to address what it calls a “maintenance backlog.”

The park service will determine, after a 30-day public comment period ending Nov. 23, if the new fee structure will be implemented during peak tourist season.

It is accepting comments online through its parkplanning.nps.gov website, or via regular mail sent to 1849 C Street NW, Mail Stop 2346, Washington DC 20240.

Peak season rates at the affected national parks are proposed to increase significantly, with the prices rivaling those of theme park admissions at Six Flags or Busch Gardens, according to the Washington Post.

All of the 17 affected parks admissions prices will increase to $70 per private, non-commercial vehicle, $50 per motorcycle or $30 per person.



  1. "We, the people" OWN those parks.
    Paid for by annual, forced, deductions from our paychecks.

    How about WE charge THEM for watching us enjoy our property?
    Nazi b***hes.
    Do you have to wear a damn badge around your neck while in the park so a bad-ace Ranger doesn't shoot your family for failure to display a permit??
    Things are getting out of hand with these people.
    Or, just to make sure they understand who the REAL boss is, about 5,000 men should show up (armed, of course) and stroll right into the park.
    Ask THEM for $70 dollars and tell them what you will do to them if they don't pay.
    Then get as low to the ground as you can. The lesson is about to begin.
    Keep cheering.

  2. 723pm you had me until Nazi. There is absolutely no need to bring that word up as it pertains to Assateague or another national park/seashore.

    Good news, gas remains anywhere between 2.30 - 2.50 a gallon. Better than prices in Europe and South America!!!!

    Its a BONUS the Assateague is not included with the upcoming increases at parks


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