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Monday, November 06, 2017

Antifa Fails! Low Turnouts At Their Nationwide ‘Refuse Fascism’ Protests

I consider Refuse Fascism to be an offshoot of Antifa. They try to brand themselves as the kinder-gentler version that is kid-friendly. Not buying it. However, their over 20-city protest agenda yesterday was a huge flop. I guess if you don’t bring the violence, you don’t get the turnout from the left. Too boring for their commie tastes. As I said yesterday, I look for Antifa to really gear up next spring and summer. Refuse Fascism claimed to be “organizing millions of people to drive out the fascist Trump / Pence regime.” Actual turnout was not exactly anywhere close to that.

I was sent a live feed yesterday for the big cities to watch Refuse Fascism do their shtick. I was bored in 30 seconds flat. I thought there might be a chance of something happening later in the day or after the sun went down, but that did not materialize. Instead, I was treated to aging and wannabe hippies, and people who consider ‘angst’ a fashion trend. Meh.



  1. These twerps can't figure out which bathroom to use - we have millions of guns, gozillions of rounds of ammo, and know how to use both....I was really itching to see something happen!

  2. Since Trump has called them a terrorist organization they are mostly in hiding , like little chickens that they are.

  3. So we now live in a nation that believe that if you go against fascism, or communism, or nazism, then you are considered scum. Wow just wow.

  4. Organizing millions, one worn out republican could smack the piss out of all of this crowd.

  5. They still can't point out a fascist, even in the mirror.

  6. 9:33--
    Are you not paying attention? These groups' behaviour is far worse than what they SAY they are against. Most, IMO, are paid agitators that don't even know what fascism even is. Throwing bottles of urine, especially at police officers? Scum.

  7. 9:33 - Look up the true definition of fascism and then go crawl back in your hole! Then, while you are in the hole read up on nazism. If you have time do some research about how the left has turned these issues around to brainwash people like you. Conservatives are so far away from what these losers and the alt right represent that it has to take brainwashing or an IQ of 30 for you to buy into the rhetoric. I will help you a little - political conservatism starts with smaller government - please match that up with the these loony groups that truly match up better with the democratic party. Wow, just wow!!!

  8. Well it's horrible the far left and far right is tearing this country apart

  9. I used to agree with you 11:05. But really it is the far left, left, and far right groups tearing this country apart. I have tried for years to get through to my friends on the left, but they will not listen. Now I just stay away from them. The left tolerates the far left and even condones. Most on the right do not condone the far right and will condemn them. We even call out our leaders when they are wrong. I RARELY see that from anyone on the left.


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