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Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Alabama woman admits lying about ex-boyfriend raping her

An Alabama woman has been arrested for filing a false report after police say she admitted to lying about her ex-boyfriend raping and restraining her.

Mariah Jordan Smith, a 25-year-old nurse from Tuscaloosa, called police at 5pm on Saturday claiming that she was the victim of a home invasion and sexual assault.

Smith, who has a young daughter, reportedly told investigators that her ex-boyfriend slipped into her house in the 1500 block of Greystone Drive through an unlocked door, made his way to her bedroom and raped her.



  1. And every woman who jumped on the Harvey bandwagon needs to be polygraphed.Somehow I feel that some of them are full of it.

  2. And all she'll be charged for is filing a false police report. Something needs to be done about this.

  3. I have been saying the same thing. Women can accuse men of anything, and regardless of evidence or lack thereof, they are believed. Men do not stand a chance in our current justice system.


  4. Actual victim should sue his accuser for defamation, etc.

    She claimed to be victim of a felony; she be arrested and tried. Nursing board should take action. Child welfare should care for her daughter until legal steps are concluded.

    Rape is wrong; false rape claims are just as bad.


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