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Sunday, November 05, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Accident On 13 North

In front of the Salisbury Mall. Big truck ran over small car.


  1. People drive like idiots out there even in a good day. Always on their phones, in a hurry, and impatient.

  2. Pray no one was hurt bad.

  3. This area is always dicey because it's where the light changes for people to come off the overpass to get on Route 13 South. People seldom pay attention to that light because it doesn't go red in any regular intervals. Being that they're constantly working on this exit, why don't they make a loop around that brings traffic in going the direction they want to go instead of installing a stoplight? Oh, guess that makes too much sense for government to do it the right way for a change.

  4. Do we know what kind of car it is?

  5. Must drive slow in all inclement weather. We know better than visitors! Hope all are ok.

    1. And if they were driving slow, Delmarva Driver’s would say “ why do people slow down so much when it rains?”

  6. Yet no one EVER addresses the horizontal stoplights.

    1. I think if they're vertical at that intersection, the bridge blocks the view of the red signal which would probably be worse

  7. Agree, those horizontal stop lights are not good. Hope everyone is ok. Good day to stay in.

  8. Never liked that horizontal light. It's hard to see from far away because the bridge blocks it. No wonder there's accidents there.

  9. When I was out and about today I noticed many vehicles without headlights on; I guess people still don't know about the law of having headlights on when you have to have wipers on. That can be dangerous, too.

  10. Something as simple as an engineering error could have forced the traffic lights to be horizontal.If a great deal of money had been spent, and the pole that the lights are attached to would have been too low if placed vertically, the inexpensive remedy would have been to position the lights horizontally.That would have brought them up high enough that trucks would not hit them.

  11. The only time you see SPD is when there Forced to go on a call....will this call be downgraded to minor metal damage to a slow moving gas powered vehicle ?

  12. Joe
    Please look this HUGR STORY up tonight
    Ed kliens book about how the left American college anarchists went to Germany for training to distrupt Trump and his Presidency.

    These scum should be arrested for treason.

  13. I have a girlfriend that drive a car that looks like that....I certainly hope everyone is alright.

  14. I was coming from Lewes, De. one rainy day and I decided to do a little experiment. For all the vehicles coming towards me with no lights on, and there was a lot, I would flash them as a hint to turn on their lights.

    I think I could count on one hand how many got the hint and turned on their headlights. I guess they think they will save all their headlight fluid for the nighttime only. Much like they reserve all there turn signal fluid.

    Don't they have flashing yellow lights to warn when the light is changing? Couldn't they place another stoplight in front of the bridge so it can be seen before you go under? Rumble strips as you approach the light like they have on rt 50 westbound? Surely they cannot be cost prohibitive?

  15. 7:34 Baltimore beltway is the very same. When it rains everyone forgets how to drive...BUT...they still push the pedal to the medal.

  16. Another accident at light. I thought lights were supposed to stop accidents.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And if they were driving slow, Delmarva Driver’s would say “ why do people slow down so much when it rains?”

    October 29, 2017 at 9:33 PM

    People SHOULD slow down when inclement weather arrives, but not to the point where they are creating a hazard to others around them. And for goodness sake, don't use your hazard lights just to warn others you are driving slow unless you are going 10mph, which you shouldn't be doing in the first place.

    But when they do decide to slow down, please do so in the right lane. Drive according to your abilities, not what others are doing.

  18. Bad place for an intersection. If the light was lower, trucks would hit it, if it was higher, you would not see them till it is was too late. Whoever designed this intersection had a brain fart. There should be none there at all. They should have to go further up 13 and do a u-turn.

  19. Amazing - why are people more concerned over a stop light than the condition of persons involved in the accident. Just another example of how times have changed.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Amazing - why are people more concerned over a stop light than the condition of persons involved in the accident. Just another example of how times have changed.

    November 5, 2017, at 7:30 AM

    I wanted to argue with you but I couldn't think of anything. So I just have to concede you are correct. There is such a loss of love for your neighbor. Most are selfish nowadays and are only concerned for themselves.

    Just like you mentioned no one asked about the occupants of the vehicles, how many videos are out there with people taking pictures/video of people's misfortune? And not offering any aid or comfort?

    Just a few days ago a video was being circulated of a woman being knocked out by a man. People took pictures of her laying on the concrete unconscious. At least one laid down next to her and took a selfie. Someone else stole her phone after he took a picture of her.

    And all that also figures into the rise of crime worldwide. London has few guns but they do have knives. And they have been having an increase in the number of murders and close in time.

    There is a child's park, which used to be used for families to go play with their children. Not any longer. People walk an additional 255 meters to go to a safer place. 13yo's carrying knives. Hiding knives in that park in case it is needed.

    Packs of teenagers attacking people on the street. Balt. had two instances recently.

    Lawlessness is on the increase everywhere. Many hearts have turned cold. They have itching ears and only seek out those who tell them what they want to hear, regardless if it's true.

    Lies flow continuously out of their lips. There is no truth in them.

    Knowing all these things makes it no surprise no one is concerned for another.

  21. You can blame the design of the intersection on the owner of Arby's. His lawsuits against the developers of the mall and the SHA, are the reason for the poor design. BTW, the owner of Arby's is a law3yer.


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