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Thursday, October 12, 2017

YouTube Restricts... Mike Rowe?

The video site seeks to limit access to common sense ideas it apparently deems to be too "controversial."

Last Thursday, Mike Rowe, the immensely likable host of “Dirty Jobs,” announced via a Facebook post that his YouTube channel had been restricted. Now anyone who has ever watched a Mike Rowe video would be shocked to hear this news, as his videos are often some of the most carefully worded, timely and poignant thoughts on a great variety of issues — hence his overall popularity. And one thing Rowe trumpets is respect for the value of hard work, no matter the job.

In this vein, a few months back conservative commentator Dennis Prager invited Rowe to give the commencement speech for his virtual university, Prager University. Rowe gladly obliged with a video entitled “Don’t Follow Your Passion,” which has been viewed over six million times. Suddenly, without prior warning, Rowe received a message from YouTube notifying him that his video for Prager U was “determined” to be “inappropriate.” Rowe explains that he was shocked at the news as he had not run afoul of YouTube’s appropriate content policies, or so he thought.

Rowe said that he then reread YouTube’s policy fine print and found the following sentence:


  1. It's starting, folks!
    In every communist takeover in the last 100 years, socialist regimes started with censoring the information people could see and hear.
    The whole Saul Alinsky agenda(and now the Gyorgy Soros agenda) was upended when Trump won. It wasn't supposed to happen. How could it happen. It's one variable the liberal machine left out of the equations. But it did happen and now they are desperately trying to rewrite the formula.
    But, as we see with the NFL and ESPN, most of us have decided NOT to drink their propaganda Kool-Aid.
    They were so damn close. Just think if Hillary had won. I know, makes you sh*t your pants, doesn't it?

    Thank you Joe for being a part of the resistance. IT is EXTREMELY important that we continue to resist the liberal agenda. We've seen how far they've gone to destroy our values. It's going to take time to restore them.
    Let's continue to Make America Great Again!

  2. That is because of what he said a while back about the govt and everything else...

    And 11:43: This has not just started, it has been going on for years, it is just no one gave a shit or cared enough to tell everyone, or it didn't happen to celebs who had a wide range of audience to tell it to...

    I love how you damn stupid people, think everything is just now starting to happen when it has been for years, and that it takes a celeb for you to hear it from for you to believe it, listen to it or pay attention to it... Anyone else this has happened to or was brought up by someone non-famous is just a conspiracy theorist...

    1. 12:02 WRONG! Find another audience with that BULL! I can state, with certainty that most of the people logging on to this site could care less about Hollywood's perspective. Leave your assinying comments for a liberal blog or with WBOC.


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