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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Woman kills neighbor breaking into home

A homeowner in Texas fatally shot her neighbor who tried to break into her home, authorities said.

A mortally wounded Marci Green, 38, was found by deputies from the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office soon after they were called to the River Plantation home at about 9:15 p.m. Saturday, the Houston Chronicle reports.

The unidentified homeowner claimed the alleged intruder tried to enter through the front door before giving up and making an attempt at the back door.

“She actually opened the screen door and started coming in the back door,” Montgomery County Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace Wayne Mack told the newspaper. “The homeowner advised her to not come in the house and feared for her life.”



  1. A few more of these and you will start to see crime going down. I did laugh at the need for an autopsy. I can save them a few bucks....she got sudden lead poisoning.

  2. I'd like to see what a grand jury thinks about the homicide being "justified."

  3. Texas is a castle doctrine state.

  4. Only in Texas. Maryland it is very hard to get a concealed carry permit.

  5. To 1:23 Try to get a CC in Wash. DC or Hawaii....


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