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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Who Can Relate?


  1. Yes I can! I have two grown sons and three lawn mowers for a two acre yard. One does the front, one the immediate back, and I take the riding mower for the field! Works great and I have the lawn done in under an hour!

  2. My Dad had a wood splitter before they were sold in stores. Lol

  3. I was cutting our grass and my grand mom's when I was 9.
    13, you got off easy!

  4. The only sad part about this picture, is that there are so many kids that don't have a father around to teach them these things.

  5. What?? A gas power mower - should have the push (non gas, non electric)mower.

  6. Children under 12 using a power tool had parents that were breaking the law, its called "Child Endangerment".

  7. I too started quite young cutting grass.
    I cut 3 yards each week, my Grandparents,
    our yard and " the yard down the road."
    it took me over 3 hours and that's how
    I earned money to got to the movies on
    the week ends.


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