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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

White privilege bolstered by teaching math, university professor says

A math education professor at the University of Illinois says the ability to solve geometry and algebra problems and teaching such subjects perpetuates so-called white privilege.

Rochelle Gutierrez laid out her views on the subject in an article for a newly published anthology for math educators titled, “Building Support for Scholarly Practices in Mathematics Methods.”

“School mathematics curricula emphasizing terms like Pythagorean Theorem and pi perpetuate a perception that mathematics was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans," she says, according to Campus Reform.

She also says that addressing equity in mathematics education will come when teachers can understand and negotiate the politics outside the classroom.

“On many levels, mathematics itself operates as whiteness. Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as white,” she writes.



  1. Some people are just stupid. Teaching illiterates math is a waste of time. Time for mass sterilization. Do we really need more morons?

  2. Totally friggin ignorant how in the hell are these morons allowed near our youth.

  3. This reminds me of a time in 1968 when I went to school and then walked home and the mailman passed by as well as a person walking his dog on a leash

  4. "“On many levels, mathematics itself operates as whiteness. Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as white,” she writes."

    So, she is claiming that those other than White are mentally unable to grasp mathematics, yet I'll bet she still wants equality for all.

    THAT'S how mentally challenged she is.

  5. 759
    I remember that day!
    Boy it was so nice.
    Clear blue skies as big as the world.
    And the smell of leaves rustling through the lawns from house to house and down the street.

  6. Don't minorities see how utterly ridiculous it is to say that they are incapable of thinking as well as white people, incapable of achieving anything unless white people help them or give them something, and can never see their potential unless white people do something (more free stuff is usually the answer).
    On one hand, white people hate you and keep you down at every turn.
    Then, you turn around and say you'll never have anything unless white people give it to you. HELP you. LOL!
    Never once have I heard a black leader say
    "work hard. get educated. don't think your success is based on
    benevolence of people you claim are enemies"
    "earn your way in the world"
    "don't be a burden to society, be an example"
    "you went to prison because you beat an old lady to death, not
    because you're black"

    Black are so conditioned now to blame everyone for their own failures, that now, even NUMBERS are racist.
    Newton (white man) INVENTED calculus. Not some tribal leader in Kenya.
    Are facts now racist, too?

    Keep cheering.


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