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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Washington DC Teens Have Highest STD Rate

Washington, D.C. has the highest rate of reported sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers in the United States — and it’s not even close.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that teens in the District of Columbia report suffering from various sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) at a rate of over 55 cases per thousand.

By contrast, Utah — the state with the lowest teen STD rate — has just over 10 cases of STDs for every 1,000 teens.

Other states with notably high reported STD rates among youngsters include Alabama (over 40 cases per 1,000), Louisiana (also over 40 cases per 1,000) and Mississippi (about 38 cases per 1,000).



  1. Not surprised I'm sure Baltimore is a close 2nd.

  2. STAY on your side of the Bay Bridge - you are NOT wanted here on the Eastern Shore! We have enough problems of our own!

  3. Let's see the racial stats, adjusted for population.

  4. 2:42 Why not add economic and education variables as well?

  5. Poor and undereducated?

  6. Salisbury State has the same high rate of STD...... Allot of Sterile Woman coming out of that College....or possibly AIDS infected too...

  7. Sex in the City !! LOL

  8. Alot of teen Pages working for those Congressmen !!!


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