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Monday, October 02, 2017

VP Mike Pence to Be Keynote Speaker at Pro-Amnesty Koch Brothers’ Retreat

Vice President Mike Pence will be the keynote speaker at pro-mass immigration GOP mega-donors Charles and David Koch’s New York political strategy retreat.

Pence is expected to speak on public policy at the Koch brothers’ retreat, which will be held on Oct. 12 and 13, according to USA Today. The retreat is also to cultivate Republican candidates for the 2018 midterm elections who are in-line with the Kochs’ open borders agenda.

“As a legislator, governor and now vice president, Pence truly understands how good policies can help all Americans improve their lives,” Koch network spokesperson James Davis said in a statement. “Our members are looking forward to insight as we discuss plans to reverse the trajectory toward a two-tiered society and move toward one of mutual benefit, and a brighter future for all.”

Pence’s speaking engagement at the event is at odds with his social conservative history and base of supporters, as the Koch brothers remain heavily supportive of cultural libertarianism, open borders, the importation of cheap foreign labor, and driving down wages for American workers who are forced to compete with a never-ending flood of chain migration.


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