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Sunday, October 08, 2017

Voters like Hogan, but re-election still iffy, new poll finds

By Len Lazarick


A majority of Maryland voters like Republican Gov. Larry Hogan and the job he’s doing, but “despite these typically reliable indicators of an incumbent’s political strength, Hogan’s party affiliation makes his re-election far from certain,” says a new a Mason-Dixon poll.

Statewide, three out of five voters (62%) view the governor favorably and a similar number (61%) approve of the job he is doing. Almost half of Democrats polled (49%) approve of his job.

But when matched against potential Democratic challengers — only one was even recognized by more than half of voters — Hogan’s support drops below 50% in every matchup. Only about 25% of Democrats say they will vote for him.

The results by Mason-Dixon Polling, which has been surveying Maryland for over 30 years, are not out of line with the results of a Goucher College poll released last week. But the two polls asked somewhat different questions in slightly different ways to different sets of Marylanders. Only the Mason-Dixon poll put up Hogan against Democratic challengers.

Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker was both the most recognized of the announced Democratic candidates and the one who did the best against Hogan, Mason-Dixon found.

Hogan vs. Baker, 46%-39%

Baker only trails Hogan by 7-points (46%-39%) in a match-up.



  1. In a state filled to the brim with die-hard Democrats, I'm surprised that the numbers are this good.

  2. If y'all republicans keep saying and actually don't vote for Hogan, you will end up with another O'Malley type.

    1. Look if you support RINOs good for you but he will not got my conservative vote

  3. hogan is no different than the others. dumbocraps and rinos are all the same.

  4. He is lacking on Gas Taxation and gun control
    moving too far left

  5. I thought he was okay, but he is just another Rino Republican similar to Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell. Because he wouldn't support Trump, he hurt this state. The new FBI building might have been built here. I think it has hurt us in government contracts and other business that might have wanted to relocate here. It has just proven that nothing has changed and Maryland is still a liberal tax hell to both live and work in, if you are lucky enough to have or find a job here. We have a top heavy state government and not enough jobs in the private sector to support this or the tax revenue to support the programs and the continued tax and spend attitude of this state.
    I believe like other Democrat controlled states, we are going down the same path as Illinois. This state punishes you if you or your spouse works in another state like Delaware. Unfair double taxation to have to pay both states, but of course what choice do you have when jobs are few and far between in Maryland?

  6. Hogan homey took our History statues down....A.M.F. Hogan ....get a job at Wal-Mart dude...

  7. Talk is cheap and actions count. If nothing good in the near future comes from this administration, I predict we will have another liberal democrat for governor. That goes for Delaware as well. Unless attitudes change, we are doomed!

  8. I'm not voting for him no matter who the demwit is

  9. Hogan did not/does not support Trump in many instances. This alone will stop me from casting a vote for him. I won't support his opponent but I will not support him. He is better than a Democrat in every way, but he must pay for his lack of party loyalty. The same can be said of many Republicans currently serving.

  10. He is a lair and a traitor to the voters!

  11. I am a conservative and I am disappointed with Hogan, but he is the best we are going to get in this liberal-left wind state...so, It's Hogan all the way, because not voting for him, will result in an O'Malley II candidate. By the way, Democrats are GOING ALT LEFT!!! God help us if Hogan does not win!

  12. Hogan
    Anti Trump
    Anti illegal
    Anti full carry permit.

  13. The only way he will win a second term is to change his party affiliation. That would make the Dems happy, as he already supports THEIR agenda. He has not satisfied his Republican base, that put him on the ticket, with his first term in office. Just like Ehrlich, one and done. He had his one chance to do what he could. Apparently it wasn't much, according to his Republican base.

  14. 39% vs 61%??? I don't think so.

  15. I'm a die hard Republican in a Blue State, but if my Republican governor is going to act like a Democrat after he is elected, then I might as well vote for a Democrat the next time around. How do you like that, Mr. Hogan?


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