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Monday, October 02, 2017

U.S. Women’s Soccer Star Protests National Anthem Again Despite Warning, Pays The Price

Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick kicked off the National Anthem protests in the NFL and they spread like wildfire. A year has passed and the protests are still going strong — and they aren’t just in the NFL anymore. U.S. women’s soccer player Megan Rapinoe took a knee during the National Anthem, but Team USA apparently isn’t too fond of her stunt.

U.S. Soccer released an official statement saying that both coaches and players are expected to remain standing during the National Anthem. But during a September 18th game against the Netherlands, Rapinoe still knelt, in protest of what she claims to be oppression and injustice in the United States.

Rapinoe originally began kneeling in solidarity with Kaepernick, but U.S. Soccer was not impressed. “As part of the privilege to represent your country, we have an expectation that our players and coaches will stand and honor our flag while the national anthem is played,” a statement from the organization read.

Still, Rapinoe has been tweeting and retweeting support for the protests over the past several weeks.



  1. Send her home, obviously NOT a team player.

  2. Suspend her or soccer will take the next hit
    We directly pay for her to be there.

  3. These kids just don't understand - when you are employed by private industry - there is no 1st amendment rights. If you do not abide by the contract - YOU'RE FIRED!

    Wake up youth before time passes you buh bye!.

  4. Article says she has not been punished, but will be if she continues to do it. Gay white woman....figures she would support dissing the flag, country, and anthem.

  5. Anti- American players should not be allowed to play sports.

  6. Tell us more about those rights that everybody doesn't have.

  7. get her OFF the Team NOW...

  8. It is not a right to play for the Olympic team. You are being supported by the Olympic federation and taxpayers, and representing the country, so there should be an expectation to honor the country, the flag and the anthem. If not, then "Bye Bye".


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