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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

To Understand the Kennedy Murder

Dear Readers, some of you are pushing me to continue with the Las Vegas shooting story while others are asking to know what to make of the release of files pertaining to President Kennedy’s assassination. I appreciate that you are interested and are unsatisfied with official explanations.

My answer is that we already know, thanks to exhaustively researched books such as James W. Douglass’ JFK and the Unspeakable (Simon & Schuster, 2008), far more than is in the released files.

My answer is also that it doesn’t matter what we know or what the facts are, the official story will never be changed. For example, we know as an absolute indisputable fact that Israel intentionally attacked the USS Liberty inflicting enormous casualties on US Navy personnel, and the US government continues the coverup that it was all a mistake despite unequivocal statements to the contrary by the Moorer Commission, led by Admiral Tom Moorer, former Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

My answer also is that time is better spent in trying to prevent conspiracies in the making, such as the endless stream of lies and accusations against Russia that are turning a friendly country into an enemy and renewing the risk of nuclear Armageddon. Indeed, the biggest conspiracy theory of the present time is the one issuing from the military/security complex, the Democratic National Committee, and the presstitute media that Russia in collusion with Donald Trump hacked the US presidential election.



  1. How antiquated all of those guilty entities seem now. But they're still lurking everywhere, emboldened by our ignorance and powerlessness.

  2. I read the Warren report a long time ago and have read or watched just about every account recorded in books and the stories over time on TV and never believed it to be anything but the CIA. Just like what is going on currently the CIA is always somewhere in the picture, and if you will look at George W. Bush's history and read about his role as the CIA director, I believe he did have a roll in it. But a natural death will take him before we ever know anymore at this stage of his health and age.


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