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Monday, October 02, 2017

Tim Allen Isn't Welcome in ABC's Sanctuary Network

The last time we heard from ABC, the network was canceling one of its most popular shows — “Last Man Standing” — because the star of the show, Tim Allen, is a little too conservative in the Age of Trump. Allen joked in March, “You’ve got to be real careful around [Hollywood]. You get beat up if [you] don’t believe what everybody believes. This is like ‘30s Germany.” That was more than enough for the corporate ax to fall on his hit show. The sitcom, by the way, averaged 8.3 million viewers on Friday night in its last season.

Months later, Allen is still understandably miffed. He said this week, “There is nothing more dangerous, especially in this climate, than a funny, likable conservative character.” In fact, “[ABC] couldn’t have handled this worse,” he insisted. “Second biggest show. [ABC] hadn’t won a Friday night in 15 years. They put us out to pasture on Friday and we won Friday. Big night for us. Big night for them.” Not good enough for a leftist network.

So what will replace “Last Man Standing”?



  1. Too bed the better half of today's talent is not allowed film time. Maybe time to reverse all that.

  2. I love Tim Allen BECAUSE he's conservative. Too bad he can't get work there. Is there another "dark State" Hollywood he could work at?

    I'm sure they would be rich in talent!

    Love you, Tim!

  3. Not surprised! Last Man Standing was the best comedy on T.V. The Liberal geniuses are afraid that people would overwhelmingly watch this show. The leadership of ABC isn't smart enough to continue with this "TOP RATED" show, how stupid can they be?

  4. its gonna be replaced with a show called " please donate to the Clinton foundation"

  5. That was the ONLY show on TV we made sure to watch. We still tape the reruns and watch them.

  6. Im thinking of cancelling TV,

    I know dont watch football, no current shows, just re-runs. No need to pay the money

  7. The show stunk anyway because of the canned laughter, all the recorded laughter every sentence you could not hear the entire show, it totally ruined it.

  8. I watch nature programs and tape nature programs for later. TV is only good for local news (I can get that here) and NAT GEO.

  9. We have our own sanctuary t v station. WBOC. With their telemundo aimed at illegals. WBOC is a sell out.


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