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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Slaughter in Somalia, Silence in the West

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Last Saturday, the world endured one of the most horrific terror attacks in recent memory. A truck packed with several hundred pounds of military-grade and homemade explosives was detonated on a busy street close to several important government ministries, a hotel and a market in Mogadishu, Somalia. More than 300 people were killed and several hundred more were injured in the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of both the nation and the entire Horn of Africa. Rescue workers believe a definitive death toll may never be established because heat generated by the blast was so intense, the bodies of many people will never be found. By any reasonable standard, this story should have been a bold print, first-out-of-the-box headline piece run by every major media entity around the world.

But it wasn’t.

Only the Al Jazeera news organization noticed — which is somewhat ironic. “Double-Standards: ‘Why Aren’t We All With Somalia?’” asked a headline at its website.

Why indeed? Several of Al Jazeera’s readers weighed in.


  1. The religion of peace again. allah, the fake pedophilic demon being worshipped by animals, LOVES the blood of kids and women. The sight of police picking up their body parts brings them heavenly ecstasy.
    The media won't show it because it doesn't fit their narrative.
    Plus, it was black people.
    Some black muslims slaughtered OTHER black muslims in a savage attack on muslims who were just shopping for apples.

    How could they run THAT story and stay on the good side of "It's all Trump's fault!!!"??

    The media has been completely exposed as deceptive manipulators and outright liars with an agenda they don't even try to hide anymore --- it's an all-out, 24-7, true or not constant attack on Trump and damn the truth or objectivity.
    Keep cheering.

  2. All of the third world are those we left behind in the great prehistoric migrations and evolving human development. They are the weaker shadows of ourselves. Those that we left behind. Exhausting resources and their environment procreating excessively and pursuing our coat tails to liberate and except them into the first world. Let the weak parish despite their beliefs and devotions. There are a lot of Americans I would lump in with them.

  3. Must destroy Trump at all costs all other news is irrelevant.


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