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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Sen. Rand Paul Working With Pres. Trump On Executive Order For Health Care

One unlikely senator is working with President Trump to craft an executive order on health care reform.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said he’s been working with the president on the order for months after the GOP has repeatedly failed to pass legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare.

In a tweet Paul said details on the order will be released soon.

This comes after the president’s tweet about using “the power of the pen” to ensure Americans have affordable access to health care.

He’s expected to sign the order this week.

Meanwhile, a new IRS report reveals Obamacare penalties are hurting low and middle income households.

Recent data shows 6.7 million households chose to opt out of Obamacare in 2015, paying a total of more than three billion dollars in penalties.

Of those households punished for not signing up, 37% reported earning less than $25,000 dollars per year and 79% earned less than $50,000.



  1. Of those households punished for not signing up, 79% earned less than $50,000 -
    because that is the category that got most screwed.

    Earning 45,000, my healthcare cost 12,000 which was 1/3 of my take home pay.

  2. Rand Paul is one of the few senators who wanted to fully repeal Obamacare, because he realized there were no parts that were fixable. He's not a swamp creature and I hope Trump listens to his ideas.
    Obamacare was a ticking time bomb when it was enacted. They all knew it. The only way it would never blow up is if Hillary or another liberal occupied the White House. It was part of the grand plan. Problem is...the Donald crashed their party! Thank God!!!
    Getting rid of this disastrous law is only one part of making America great again!
    If I'm ever having a bad day, I think about November 9th. My day gets infinitely better after that!

  3. so,???? It WAS a tax bill according to the Supreme Court, and regardless of what the Constitution says the President can unilaterally tax us..

  4. I wish his father had been elected, but the fix was in in the media and elsewhere to eliminate him. If we had elected him we'd have seen some no-nonsense leadership in 2012.

  5. I hope this works out. It would be nice seeing Rand get a little more influence in the White House.


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