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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Salisbury's Fake Liberalism

By Thornton Crowe

This week has produced a raging story about racism with Congresswoman Frederico Wilson spouting off about a call to a Gold Star family, it provokes us all to, once again, face the Left's racist taunts. Given the subject has taboo tendencies among white people, we often shy away from it but now this verbiage commands a closer look into our own backyard.

Where is the liberals' diversity within our own local government?

Everyone says Mayor Jake Day is a liberal, bent on turning Salisbury a hip diverse place, but is he? If you look at his administration, including his last three hires, all are middle to upper class whites. Is this his version of diversity?

In city and county leadership, we have four non-white council members; however, we seldom hear from them in our local media unless it's a negative story about them. Therefore, we have to ask: do they really have a voice in our local community?

Another example of this diversity-free mentality is the activities leaders seek to promote. Folk music is hardly the entertainment of choice among Hispanic or Black populations, yet we're all in a big hoopla over some proposed festival geared towards whites. Additionally, when you look at 3rd Friday event images and promotions, around 90% of the attendees are white, middle class citizens.

Are we to believe no other racial group in Salisbury has qualified citizens for any local leadership and government positions? 

Do we, as a community, lack the racial diversity acceptance in our own personal thinking when we vote almost exclusively for white males whose ideas are from a bygone era of antiquity? Our local wannabe liberals really don't walk their talk or else it would stand to reason, we'd have a lot more diversity on a whole.

Lastly, if politicians are going to make sweeping claims about being progressive or truly liberal, perhaps they should genuinely embrace inclusion and not just act like a bunch of white hipsters, talking in platitudes to swindle votes!


  1. You have to understand that liberals make rules and laws for other people to follow. Since they make the rules they think they are exempt.

  2. On the subject of third friday, everyone can attend, they chose not to. Poor example to use on diversity. It is their choice. They are welcome as much as anyone.

    1. 10:45- If it's for everyone, then why do a majority of the activities occur/end well before most people get off of work???

    2. I attended a couple of times. It's clearly designed for a small clique of people and a party at taxpayer expense.

  3. Do they 1045am? When was the last time you saw a salsa, rap or hip hop band booked for 3rd Fridays?

    1. All hell would break loose if there was a hiphop "band". Thugs would come out of the woodwork.

  4. 1115 that's a stereotypical response of a misinformed person. "thugs would come out of the woodwork." Thugs? What do you think is running the mayor's office? They're not the example of sophistication they'd like you to believe they are. Inside deals, bribery, corruption. Isn't that a thug life?

    1. They may be thugs in the mayors office but I don’t worry about gettin shot in some gang cross fire or being assaulted or mugged in the parking lot from anyone in the mayors office or related to the office.. but hip hop-music? That group? I am scared of

  5. Even Day realizes that having rap groups and the like with result shooting and stabbings.

  6. They don't have the balls to have rap or hip hop. The local law can't even control people on a Saturday night parties and you think they can handle this? LOL!

  7. 1122am, anymore than we already have? Okay. Right!

  8. I've never heard of stabbings and shootings at Reggae concerts but they don't have those either.

  9. The ones on the councils aren't that great because they don't even do things to help their districts. Ernie let's Cannon walk all over him. He's their token on the council.

  10. Wish we had that Sheriff from Detroit as our Police Chief. He would get Salisbury whipped into shape quickly. He's not a pushover like Duncan.

  11. 11:22 Day says we have low crime so what's the harm having hip hop bands play at third fridays?

  12. The folk festival is a huge mistake. We're all going to regret it when it becomes a failure.

  13. Diversity? Just a talking point. The only thing that matters to liberal politicians is that they get elected and stay in power. Everything else just does not matter. They don't treat the rest of us any different: white, black, hispanic...so welcome to the club. Jobs? Not important. Sewage plant doesn't work? So what? Crime out of control? Yes but we're doing our best to keep the truth from you so you don't panic. Home ownership rates near zero? Of course, our friends the landlords are liberals too.

  14. Day's a democrat so that means without question he is a liar. All democrats talk a good game but don't ever walk the walk.
    The problem is many minorities are extremely low information this because the democrats have keep then in chains. Most are still nothing but slaves but this time to the government. The perfect example is forcing them to go to sub standard schools instead of school choice.
    Blacks must love being peon lowly slaves though because they keep on voting democrats. They must love living in the gross ghettos and love watching their sons take bullets and dying. No other explanation or them voting democrat other then they love and are perfectly content with ghetto life.

  15. Salisbury thought it was so hip when they elected that fruity mayor Ireton. He was just a bad joke. Now they have another young blade in there that doesn't have a clue. Voters around here aren't the brightest.

  16. "Anonymous said...

    Wish we had that Sheriff from Detroit as our Police Chief. He would get Salisbury whipped into shape quickly. He's not a pushover like Duncan.

    October 22, 2017 at 11:34 AM"

    You mean David Clarke? He was the sheriff of Milwaukee. He resigned awhile ago. Looks like he may run for something.

  17. Day's just the king of the dipsh**s. Sad existence.

  18. Day is such a reject. He's as orgasmic over that idiotic festival as he was over Headquarters Live which most on this blog said would fail and it did and just like the Reject's festival is going to be a cluster. What people want to hear and see are things that are going to raise wages across the board for people. Get people into homes they own. Something that will be long term and beneficial to a large percentage of the residents of Sby. But don't expect anything out of Day. He doesn't have the brains to accomplish anything positive and long term.

  19. They get cover bands at Third Friday. They could have jazz along with other types of music but they opt for the covers because the bands are just filler.

  20. I won't support a Salisbury or county function until they deal with the crime around here.

  21. Jobs are what makes any town sustainable not festivals and stupid art fairs. Until they lock down jobs all the rest is just icing on a big nothing cake. It's designed to make you forget the jobs are in the garbage can and there's nothing here for residents but crime and political bitchfests. Petty morons and showboaters are all I've seen since I got here and the reason why my family is relocating out of da Bury. It's just one big geriatric ghetto.

    1. Exactly, 12:07! And by jobs we mean jobs for EVERYONE. Not just the mayor's friends.

  22. Local politicians dont' want to accept Salisbury's shortcomings. They live in a delusional bubble.

  23. Shore is screwed no matter who's in charge. People are doing heroin and pills just to get through their pathetic day. Crime is high, schools are a joke. Generations of idiots with all the same last names raising new generations of idiots.

  24. Jake only has white friends hows he supposed to hire people of color? Duh,Give the guy a break!

  25. Day's political leanings are to coast on whichever favorable wind is blowing.

  26. Anonymous said...

    Day's political leanings are to coast on whichever favorable wind is blowing.

    October 22, 2017 at 12:49 PM

    If that were true, then why is he only hiring white young kids?

  27. The third floor at the GOB looks like a kickback from the 1960s. Not a black, yellow or brown person in sight unless it's a workman or janitor cleaning up their messes. Is this the first notice of the vanilla Salisbury?

  28. 10:45 of course anyone can go. That's not the issue. The issue is whether it is appealing to a diverse crowd and it is not. Do they ever have any other musical acts besides American how about food what ethnic foods are offered. The kids activities are American ones and not ethnic ones such as Mexican Hat or another country's popular kids activity.
    3rd Friday is not at all a poor example of their lack of diversity. It is the best example in the world to prove they are lying if they try to say they are diversified.

  29. Third Fridays are always the same people different month. There's nothing new or inventive about it. It's just a way for the clique to get together and socialize while the city taxpayers foot the bill if anything is actually paid for by the organizers. Every time I've gone with my family, it's like a poodle dog show with people there to be "seen" and more like a who's who page in the Metropolitan.

    It's as fake as their liberalism.

  30. 2:43 PM sorry I don't agree. I don't think we need mexican games for people to feel included. I go sometimes and while some of it is not for me I take interest in the parts that are. Where are the mexican vendors? Are they asking to participate in the event?

    I don't agree that we have to micro manage activities to suit every race. that is ridiculous.

    Since Ghettobury is almost 40% black I guess they could participate in the events and bring something to the table that interests them. I don't think it is everyone responsibility to entertain every single citizen. I seek out entertainment I enjoy. So can they.

    I don't particularly like country bands but will listen if they happen to be playing at an event I attend. I don't seek it out, but don't feel I am elusively excluded because I don't like country. If there is a reggae band playing I will listen and don't feel excluded because its not a white rock band.

    Sorry but I don't buy it. If they expect more representation then they should be participating. Otherwise they have nothing to complain about.

    I don't agree that this element is a good example of diversity or lack of. IMO.

  31. 2:59p You're entitled to your opinion but I agree with 2:43p because they never have anything ethnic at these stupid gatherings. Just a bunch of pseudo-liberals pretending to be hip or exciting.

  32. 259 the organizers lack imagination and creativity. Odd considering they're supposed to be the 'artists' in the community. What a hoot.

  33. Most people don't want to bother with the local events because they're not really welcome to begin with. We see it all the time. The locals have their 'cliques' and go out of their way to make outsiders feel unwanted. 3rd Fridays are no exception.

  34. This is a confused bunch of comments.There is no unison here.All is lost if people can't pull together and all I've read here is chaos and confusion indicated by the post writer and the comments.Accusations and insinuations never resolve anything.

  35. 2:59 you are completely missing the point. The point is the liberal elected officials are all about diversity but only talk the talk. They do not walk the walk. The point is 3rd Friday proves their talk of diversity is just another one of their many lies. Liberals also preach inclusion. That means reaching out to the ethnic and minority communities and not the other way around.
    If you claim to be inclusive and diversified then micromanaging is a must otherwise don't lie to the public.

  36. I disagree with the title "Fake Liberalism." Sby officials are pure liberalism which means they lie constantly about everything including diversity. Fake liberalism would mean they are actually telling the truth about something.

  37. We went to the autumn wine festival ...Worst time ever over priced to get in hour wait for food extremely hot and water not easily accessed and the wine vendors stopped giving samples away and demanded a bottle purchase...I thought they were there more to promote their wine...I'm done.

  38. 4:28 PM No I did not miss the point. you did. Ghettobury is almost 40% black, they want to be represented they need to participate. They intentionally exclude themselves. Why, because its not a rap band? Ridiculous. The gays don't seems to have a problem participating, they find their own niche and enjoy.

    Its open air and anyone can go. It is geared towards the representation participating. They want it more black then they should show up. Vendors should show up. Families should show up. They don't. Not the city's fault.

    I agree the city is not diverse, but using 3rd friday as an example is lame.

    1. Apparently you missed the reason it’s used as an example 617. Reading comprehension is no longer taught in schools either. Case & point.

  39. 4:40 PM bet they didn't have a rap band either.

  40. 4:28 PM you must be a democrat snowflake because you seem to need and promote a lot of governmental handholding.

  41. 3rd Fridays is another clique meet for the Salisbury people who believe they're better than everyone else. They like to hold their little monthly mini-festival without any regard to anyone else but themselves. It illustrates their hypocrisy!

  42. Just because Jake Day does not practice what he preaches does not mean he ain't a liberal. Look at the big picture: protesting the Winder sign on the courthouse, tax and spend, etc.

  43. Jake Day is worse 1147p. He's a hypocrite that says crap to get elected with nothing behind his chops. Are you paying attention?

  44. Anonymous said...

    4:28 PM No I did not miss the point. you did. Ghettobury is almost 40% black, they want to be represented they need to participate. They intentionally exclude themselves. Why, because its not a rap band? Ridiculous. The gays don't seems to have a problem participating, they find their own niche and enjoy.

    Its open air and anyone can go. It is geared towards the representation participating. They want it more black then they should show up. Vendors should show up. Families should show up. They don't. Not the city's fault.

    I agree the city is not diverse, but using 3rd friday as an example is lame.

    October 22, 2017 at 6:17 PM

    So which organizer are you? Jamie? Julia?

  45. Noticed that none of these comments dare to discuss the two assistant city managers and the fake MTV gal. Instead you guys argue about semantics. Who gives a flip which events are used as examples they all show the hypocrisy regardless.

    Why are you peeps afraid to address the obvious? Are you afraid Jake will block you on FB?

  46. That's been discussed 3:06. And no one is afraid Day is going to block them on FB. No good decent honest person would even give him the honor of wanting to be a friend of his on FB anyway. He could only be so lucky as to have the type of people who follow this blog as FB friends. He is a reject lying loser and so are those who would ever in any way associate with him including on FB.

  47. Thanks a lot for this post. Now Mary Ashanti will be whining about this at the council meetings for the next month or so if not longer.

  48. Jake Day & Jim Ireton didn’t win their roles because their ideas were better. They won by default because no one else ran for the job. Not really winning and hardly a mandate from the people!

  49. Locals are more interested in the Golden Corral than anything happening in old down town. Now put a buffet out there and some wide chairs you might draw a crowd.

  50. Since this photo was taken during daylight that is why it shows white people. The Blacks are sleeping so they can meet up at Denny's, The VFW, The Legion and Royal Farms, between 1:00 am and 5:00am.

  51. Roll up all the sidewalks and close everything at 10 PM we don't need 24 hour anything around here. Let the college students eat Ramen and well if your baby needs diapers your shit out of luck. This use to be a civilized community with practical working class hours and peace and quiet. Not sirens and alarms at all hours. The night sky lit up with WAWA Chick Filet and whatever. People driving at night that should not during the day. We once had practical wholesome home lives and everyone has gone crazy. This is not some Metropolitan place. Those of us that do have jobs and are not schmoozing real estate agents and development dealers NEED OUR REST lol.

  52. This whole liberal VS facade is a joke from Jake day on down. Its what's popular on social media outlets therefore day and the dayette's(including mike Dunn) ate all over it. Its what hogan has initiated, its what anderton suggests,its all about getting the vote keeping themselves on the taxpayer's payroll. With ALL the violent crimes being exposed in Salisbury its absolutely not going to end well come folk festival time. There will inevitability be several types of "ethnic" entertainment and will draw the young "ethnic" audience, and it seems pretty obvious they cannot handle such gatherings. Call it what you want but the headlines prove what it really is. I pray when the time comes the repercussions are limited to harming one another at your folk festival Jake day and not some poor innocent parent with their kids.

  53. Diversity is a code word for anti-white.
    Stop using their language or it will alter your ability to think clearly.


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