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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Reaper ‘botnet’ could bring down the internet

A MASSIVE botnet that has been gathering steam over the past few weeks is threatening to ravage the web, security researchers have warned.

A botnet uses collections of devices like wifi routers or smart webcams which have been hacked to collaboratively send surges of data to servers - causing them crash, disrupt services and ultimately go offline.

Around this time last year, a similar attack called the Mirai botnet wiped out the internet across the US, targeting mostly the East Coast.

But Israeli security researchers at Check Point have discovered what they described as an entirely new and more sophisticated botnet that could cause a "cyber hurricane".

A blog post published on Check Point Research read: "So far we estimate over a million organisations have already been affected worldwide, including the US, Australia and everywhere in between, and the number is only increasing.

"Our research suggests we are now experiencing the calm before an even more powerful storm.



  1. This has been going on for years and years with botnets. Nothing new. It's the same as a DoS attack.

  2. This could destroy the internet and society will be set back to the way we had to do things in the early 90s!

  3. Bring it Down ! Bring It ALL DOWN.

  4. This will NOT happen because if cyber criminals use the web for the threats and damage...they are NOT going to shut down their own feed line.


    Right now.


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