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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Prostitution, Free Speech, and a Veteran Memorial: 3 Interesting Court Cases

Let’s Not Pick and Choose Our Freedoms

Prostitution has been illegal in California for 145 years. But for the first time, judges appear to be considering overturning the law.

In the past, challenges to the law have been outright dismissed. But now judges have agreed to take a closer look at the California law.

“Why should it be illegal to sell something that it’s legal to give away?” A judge asked in court.

And he has a point. We shouldn’t limit other people’s freedom, no matter how distasteful it seems. It may offend you. But that is no reason to stop other people from doing what they want.

And while many would seek to equate prostitution to human trafficking, these are two separate issues. In fact, it may be easier to focus on human trafficking if prostitution were legal. Resources which currently waste time picking up the same prostitutes and cycling them through the courts could be redirected to catching actual traffickers.

And legal prostitutes in the industry could then shed light on illicit activities involving trafficking if they didn’t have to fear being prosecuted for prostitution itself.



  1. Make All 3 Legal !!!

  2. Would be SAFER for prostitutes if it were Legal and
    regulated by the Govt.
    Take them away from the bad criminal element they are in now
    They are being human trafficked Now ............and abused !

  3. Don't forget the tax revenue!

  4. OH Yes the Taxes , Hell, as soon as you say Taxes , it's a
    Y E S to anything !!!

  5. Prostitution has been illegal in California for 145 years. But for the first time, judges appear to be considering overturning the law.

    Everything that was illegal and pertains mostly to blacks, like drugs and prostitution, will be overturned by liberal judges. Thanks Obama!

  6. I've always felt that prostitution should be legal, as long as the woman is not forced into it.
    What's the difference if you buy a girl expensive drinks in a nightclub and expect something in return vs a simple verbal contract.
    Each one has the same motive and both require him to spend money.
    Remember Rodney Dangerfield: Take my wife, we only fight about 2 things: sex and money....I think she charges me too much!!

  7. I think it was on Howard Stern that I heard someone say "you're not paying them for the sex. You're paying them to leave afterwards."


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