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Friday, October 13, 2017

President Trump Signs HISTORIC Healthcare Executive Order


  1. Each state has an insurance commission. This is going to be a loss of power for them. The insurance companies will not be able to what amounts to buying them off. They will not go down without a fight. The state bureaucracies and the insurance companies- will fight like crazy to delay and obstruct and file lawsuits collectively.

  2. Deregulating a regulation. President Trump's the best.

  3. This is a great development. You can tell because the scummy charles schumer ran immediately to the microphones to lie about it.

  4. If Rand Paul is behind this, I'm with him. He's one of the few who wants a free market approach to health care.

  5. President Donald J. Trump and Senator Rand Paul punked the RINOS, Dems, and the insurance lobby again. Classic case of the good cop bad cop routine. The photo op for the signing of this executive order is telling. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan weren’t invited.

  6. It is about time POTUS worked with Rand Paul. I agree with Rand Paul on most of his views. True Patriot.

  7. Insurance companies = campaign money for politicians. The politicians need to get off the teat and do what's best for the subscribers while shooting for a modest income for the insurance industry.

  8. Yes. Ron should have been Prez but I'm glad Rand is gaining influence.

  9. He doesn't even know what he is talking about. The insurance companies paid for this statement .

  10. Yoo Rah !!! In your face No Good USA Health Care !#@&!!!@#!!..aka = Obama Care !##&#!


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