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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

PETITION: CNN must file as a Dem super PAC

Enough! CNN is NOT “news.” It’s a billion-dollar Democrat super PAC tasked with running anti-Trump hit pieces and propping up liberal candidates.
We can no longer let CNN get away with deceiving American citizens with 24/7 campaign ads disguised as “news.”
For far too long, I’ve watched Republicans roll over like cowards when the fake news media call them names, twist their words, and downright lie about them.
But things are different with President Donald J. Trump. Not only has he been the target of more vicious attacks than ANY Republican in history, but he NEVER lets the media win.
They’ve defamed him and stooped so low as to shamelessly attack our First Lady, but you can guarantee that President Trump will always fight back.
He doesn’t want their praise, and he knows he’ll never get it. The only praise he cares about is yours, Friend.
But now he needs your help fighting back against the rising threat from the real opposition party: the FAKE NEWS MEDIA.
While the DNC and other Democrat super PACs have to register with the FEC and brand themselves as campaign organizations, the multi-billion-dollar-CNN machine is FAR more effective and masks itself as “news.”
It’s time for CNN to officially be classified as what it truly is: A DEMOCRAT SUPER PAC.


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