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Sunday, October 29, 2017



  1. She must be as dumb as she looks to think anyone would actually take anything she says seriously. The people that represent this country are an absolute joke in today's society. There is no longer integrity or character

  2. Yep, he's right, that there looks like a saloon hooker, a mouthy, ignorant one at that.

  3. That has got to be the ugliest saloon hooker I've ever seen. It's sadly like the bank robber who dresses as a clown. Witnesses only remember the clown. She oozes with a very low I.Q. and I don't think she could pull it off, but there is a very remote chance its a magic trick. Why we are focused on the shot-out saloon hooker she is sending subliminal messages almost with a slight of hand. No, who am I kidding, she is just really that stupid. The most sad thing of all is how freaking stupid are the one's that voted for that to represent their interest. Really is that the best you could come up with to send to D.C. Sweet Lord save us all. This country is SO done.

  4. She is a clown POS.

  5. She DISRESPECTS the Chambers os Congress with that hat on but I CAN'T Imagine what that Rug on her head looks like under that COW HAT.

  6. Always liked James Woods. One of the highest IQ's in Hollywood.

  7. Right on James Woods.

  8. It has James brown hair

  9. It is tempting to jump on the derogatory band wagon but it would only be taken as racist. The left can dig and offend to heart's content, but anything from the right is bigoted and racist. I will say this, she is a moon bat of the first water and is so slanted far left she is of no value to the governmental process. I think it is safe to also say she would not be an educated vote on any major congressional issue. Okay, perhaps she should go bark at the moon.

  10. Just too weird. But if she weren't, she'd just be another fake liberal face in the crowd, a wannabe performer of the likes of Jesse Jackson and that other moron.

  11. Maybe Black Live Matter will give her a call about "cultural misappropriation".
    It's seems to be a big deal with them.
    Except when they do it.
    TYPICAL liberal position.
    And Trump CONTINUES to slap their totally Bozo aces at EVERY opportunity.
    How can anyone look at that woman and take her seriously??
    The closest she ever came to a cow was drinking a glass of milk.
    Pearls AND a cowboy hat?
    I'll bet she wears roller blades while she's roundin' up strays.

  12. With a face like that, I don't know anyone desperate enough to want to take that Hooker anywhere!

  13. 6:27 - someone has to ask . . .

    just how many saloon hookers have you seen?

  14. Where does anybody even buy abominations like those hats? I'm thinking that she has illegals in her basement with hot glue guns.

  15. Is she the Madam in Charge of the Mustang Ranch ??

  16. What is up with her wardrobe ? It's like Miss Piggy going on HeeHaw.


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