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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Now Moonbats Demand Christian Baker Decorate Cake for Satan’s Birthday

Remember Jack Phillips, the Colorado baker whom Big Government ordered to decorate cakes for sacrilegious homosexual ceremonies in violation of his Christian faith? His persecution continues. Now moonbats demand that he bake a cake for Satan’s birthday:

It is a cake that is religious in theme, and since religion is a protected class, I am hoping that you will gladly bake this cake. As you see, the birthday cake in question is to celebrate the birthday of Lucifer, or as they (sic) are also known Satan who was born as Satan when he was cast from heaven by God.



  1. This world is going to hell in an hand basket.

  2. Go to Wal-Mart aholes

  3. After seeing that videoed of that homo run cafe kicking those christains Out. I say your within your right to refuse..

  4. Wait, so it's now "ok" to persecute another religion that is not yours? This article has the gall to call this baker the one being persecuted?

    Pray tell how this can possibly be. He owns a business that serves the public, he has to serve the public.

    He'll make a Christian themed cake, but not a Satan themed? Would he deny a Sikh themed cake, or Muslim... how about if a couple of muslims were getting married, would he not bake their cake?

    This is getting absurd people. If you are going to be open to the public, you serve the public. Wanna discriminate, that's ok too... open a private club that only serves members.

    Problem solved. You don't get to discriminate against other people because your religion thinks their "yucky", and then turn around and decry persecution. You just don't get to do it.


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