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Monday, October 02, 2017

Not A Bad Idea


  1. That's an awesome idea. Bet they'd change their minds then.

  2. It'll get fixed faster than it takes to remove a confederate statue in Maryland!

  3. I cannot believe that those in congress are not subject to the same laws and regulations that apply to the American people that they are suppose to represent. "Drain the Swamp"!

  4. Not even ONE should be exempt!

  5. I totally agree. They should never have any special privileges over those they represent, and should only be paid the average wage of their Constituents.

  6. I wish he could and would! They exempted themselves and staff because they know how bad it is!! And remember it was a Democrat plan and it was the Democrats which exempted themselves!! A amendment needs to be drafted which states "Congress shall pass no laws which they will be exempt from" ! They have set themselves up as being above the laws they pass, this is something I would expect from the Russian Politburo and not our Congress!!

  7. Excellent idea , however they are way ahead of us plain people and are above the law , they are the elite and powerful ,it will never happen .

  8. According to senator Coons, he and his family are on Obamacare.

  9. Senators Coons? I thought that that what Obammy Care was designed for

  10. YES!! please do!!


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