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Monday, October 02, 2017

NFL Fans Boo Players Who Kneel

National Football League fans made it clear they are done with the players kneeling during games when they booed them Sunday in Baltimore during the Baltimore Ravens and Pittsburgh Steelers game.

It happened, after the announcer’s voice came over the loud-speaker and explained that, “before the singing of the national anthem please join Ravens players and coaches and the entire Ravens organization to pray that we as a nation can embrace, kindness, unity, equality, and justice for all Americans.”

At first fans cheered as the players walked together hand in hand onto the field. However, it was when they took a knee, fans began to boo them very loudly.

Last Sunday, players kneeled during the singing of the “Star Spangled Banner” after President Donald Trump suggested during his rally in Alabama that owners should fire players who refuse to stand for the national anthem.


1 comment:

  1. now, the anthem will not be seen on tonight's MNF. That might be good. if the players don't have a national audience, maybe it will stop.
    I think Roger Goodell underestimated the fan backlash.
    If anyone should be fired, it should be him.


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