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Saturday, October 14, 2017

New Gun Control Bill

Important Warning To Gun Owners: A Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives has introduced a horrible piece of legislationthat would ban far more than just “bumpfire stocks.” This vaguely-worded bill would ban nearly all aftermarket triggers, trigger springs, buffers, buffer springs, bolt carriers, many muzzle brakes, and possibly even full capacity magazines and magazine extensions. It all hinges on the bill’s vague and undefined phrase: “increase the rate of fire”. Violations would be a felony, with a five year prison sentence for possession, manufacture, or transfer. Most ominously, just like Feinstein’s bill in the Senate, this bill has NO Grandfather Clause!

This bill already has 25 co-sponsors, including 12 Republicans. Please contact your Congresscritters immediately and insist that theyoppose the Curbelo Moulton Bill (H.R. 3999.) Be sure to remind them that that this bill constitutes a Federal “taking” without compensation. (There is no Grandfather Clause and no method provided for registration. We’d simply be required to turn them in for destruction.) This is the worst piece of Federal gun legislation since 1994. It is crucial that you take action! It has already been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary and could be before the full House in just a week. This might be on the fast track. Wake up, folks!

Your letter or e-mail can be short and sweet, such as this:


Please oppose the Curbelo Moulton Bill (H.R. 3999), in any form. It is horrible legislation and vaguely written. It would affect far more than just “bump fire” stocks. If enacted, this law would be unconstitutional. Without a Grandfather Clause it would be an uncompensated “taking.” Please instead co-sponsor legislation that would rescind the Hughes Amendment to the Firearms Owners Protection act (FOPA) of 1986. That will re-open the Federal registry of machineguns. Thank You, – [signature]


  1. Elitists want a full out ban on guns for everyone but them.

  2. Not thrilled with the draft letter, but did send my own version to my congressman.

  3. The government MUST disarm the population prior to the economic collapse of the US Dollar and Economy.
    It is a MUST DO situation.
    Failure to disarm is not an option.


  4. Whatever happened to the right of the citizenry to have, or able to acquire, the same weaponry as its government?

    How can we fight against tyranny if we are outgunned?

  5. 12:57....
    I wouldn't want to be the first cop or National Guard guy through the front door of most gun owners I know.
    If it's "going to happen", then a lot of blood is going to flow and in the end, "we, the people" keep the guns and the ones who though they could take them will be a small footnote in history, as in "some misguided socialists were slaughtered in a short lived attempt to disarm the citizens of the USA ; reaming stragglers were quickly hung."
    The end.

    Keep cheering.


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