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Friday, October 20, 2017

Napolitano: Emails on Weiner Laptop Will Lead to Hillary Indictment

State Dept. emails forwarded by Huma to laptop used by Weiner could bring down Clinton

A trove of State Department emails sent from Huma Abedin to a personal laptop may lead to the indictment of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Judge Andrew Napolitano highlighted on Fox Business Network Wednesday.

The senior legal analyst discussed a Judicial Watch report from Tuesdayshowing the FBI found 2,800 official State Dept. emails on a laptop used by Abedin’s husband, disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner, who was recently sentenced to 21 months in prison for sexting a 15-year-old girl.



  1. "Will Lead to Hillary Indictment" says headline
    "could bring down Clinton" says posting

    WHICH is it? I'm betting "could" as nothing has brought her down yet.

  2. Please, bring it on so that we can breathe again.


  3. In light of the Huma v Wiener divorce process, if either is called to testify after the divorce is decreed does the marital privilege against testifying against spouse still hold?

    Legal beagles, what say you?

  4. The dye on top of the old judge is cause for dementia or he is off his medicine.

  5. It pains me to say, She will never do time, she is untouchable

  6. "...will Lead to Hillary Indictment"
    I've heard it a thousand times. The only place she's qualified to lead is HELL.

  7. 11:32--- Unfortunately for America and our system of justice, you are correct.


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